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2008-01-13 02:26:36| 人氣131| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

it didnt change.

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(what a cute boy!)
time flise. tow years passed.
im really happy for u still remember me. : )

sorry for i didnt write in reply for u.
just forgive me.

i still remember the time we were in Lock Heaven so clearly.
i always told my classmates all u have done for us like took us to the rill and drove someone to say ”i love u ”for Anna on highway.all of my classmates just said ”he is really cool”.u’re famous in our class now.:)

im really happy for u got a nice job.u leaved u’re home to UK,but it must be a nice experience.(it must be better if have your won TV.)u can always take a trip there.(i really want to go there.)well, just enjoy it.

u had said u must learn some Chinese for years.i have a idea can help to learn Chinese in a short time.just come to Taiwan.:)
it must be really cool.

u must understand what i said.
(i wrote in English.)
hope u can see it soon.

best wish forever.

台長: Diva
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