Zhang Chen is Shu Qi’s rumored ex-boyfriend. When the rumor broke the Leehom and Shu Qi had a relationship, there became an awkward tension between Leehom and Zhang Chen. The assistants of both Zhang Chen and Leehom tried to keep them as distant from each other as possible to prevent complicating rumors even more.
However, yesterday both Leehom and Zhang Chen were at the MTV Asia Awards after party. To the dismay of Leehom旧 assistant who hoped that Leehom would stay away from Zhang Chen, Leehom being a friendly person, saw Zhang Chen, smiled and waved at him. Surprisingly, the two continued from that point to converse. Zhang Chen complimented Leehom, ”Your English is very good, and it’s spoken very clearly and extremely professionally.” Leehom replied modestly, ”No, No. Your acting is even better, especially in films like 2046.” When Leehom was asked if it was awkward talking to Zhang Chen, Leehom replied ”No, there’s nothing between me and Shu Qi so there was nothing to be awkward about.” In fact the two talked on and on about Leehom’s favorite subject: music. No mention of Shu Qi was ever brought up. Zhang Chen who used to be a singer, expressed interest in collaborating with Leehom.
Last year, Leehom filmed a series of commercials in Thailand with hottie Tata Young. The two had great chemistry on screen and behind the screens. Coincidentally Tata Young had said that she was looking for a boyfriend that was tall, Chinese, and talented. Rumors sparked that Leehom and Tata Young were in ”Love”. When Leehom and Tata Young went on a talk show together, Leehom was interrogated whether or not Tata Young was good enough to be his ”girl.” Leehom sat there looking confused. Then he quickly gave a shy laugh and said that he didn’t know how to answer this, because saying ”No” was rude but saying, ”Yes” was basically fueling the rumor. Tata Young came to his rescue and said ”No comment.”
The two met again yesterday at the after party. The two gave each other a warm hug and Leehom openly proceeded to introduce the ”Thai Princess” Tata to the ”Movie King” Zhang Chen. Whether or not they ever had a fling still remains will forever remain in the past, but from what was seen they seemed to be only friends.
Through the whole night, Leehom seemed relaxed and didn’t allow the rumors affect his friendships, he continued talking to Tata Young and Zhang Chen.
Credit: AsianFanatics