報告完囉:) 真是通體舒暢呀 今早 出乎意料的很清醒的爬了起來 為了我有準
備的報告 :) 我覺得講的還不賴喔!! 雖然我一直在那裡晃呀晃的~ 不知道在晃
啥 但是只有忘稿一次!! 嗚....我已經很盡力講囉 > < 希望可以把我聽講的成
績拉高一點喔!! 以下是我的講稿 哈哈 中英對照 X D
Everyone, Good morning I am Zoë. My topic about today`s show and tow is my jersey.
When we were be told to have a show and tell,
The first come up in my mind is - Spiderman
I do have a great deal of Spiderman collections for sure, but weirdly, I just can’t tell the reason why I like Spiderman so much. So the second thought came up my mind is my jersey, my cool basketball jersey. In the third year off my senior high the most should cocooned time, I fell in love in playing basketball , that’s why I join the afl department basketball team after I enter college! One day, our team leader gathers us together; it is about subscribing the jersey. She says” if u r going to stay at the team prolong, I am going to subscribe the jersey. It cost about two thousand Think over carefully,”
She gave us 10 seconds to considerate.
“Now, raise ur hand if u are in.” our leader said
Even though there is a huge pleasure about stay in the ball team,
Even if the price is high,
Without the least hesitation,
I rise up my hand; and I am the first girl who raises my hands up.
I pick the Number “18“ why? At the beginning I am about to pick 6
Which stands for my idol Taiwan Iverson? But the number has already be picked by the senior so I pick 18 which stands for triple 6 时 three times of Taiwan Iverson.
Later I find out that the number I pick is Coincides with my age!!
Isn’t it cool?!
My jersey, which represent I am fond of playing basketball
My jersey, which symbolize I am the part of the team.
My jersey, which means the beginning of my dream.
It’s a pity that I wear this cool jersey on the court for only three times.
This jersey is worth to wear it but I didn’tshow outthe value of my jersey.(i mean the meaningnot the price.) But some day I will.
The time I got my jersey, the moved I felt is since then to now.
老師說要找出你的收藏品,並來段”show and tell” 當我看到這個題目時......相信大家應該會和我想的一樣......腦海中第一個浮現的就是
不過蜘蛛人的收藏雖多, 我卻很難說出愛蜘蛛人的理由。 所以我想了又想
隊長說”考慮清楚 球衣一件要一千多..... 如果你想要待在系藍,就舉手我要訂球衣了!!”
雖然我在裡面壓力大到快窒息 雖然我去系藍的第一天就因受委曲而狂哭.....
<毫 不 猶 豫 的 >
之後,大家都舉手了。 我們全部都要訂購球衣!拿到球衣的那天當下的感動
是持續到現在的。選號碼時 我本來想選 我偶象李小艾的球號-6 號
於是在緊急之下 我選了18號!!! 想說三個6~哈哈~事後發現...
真巧~今年我18歲~ 正好是18號!!!!真是一件非常可愛的事!!!
拿到球衣的那瞬間 我迫不期待的回宿舍拆開...並當場試穿 穿上它就有一
種 你球技很好的錯覺 而且質料超好 十分的舒服 看的鏡中的我
系藍球衣 象徵我熱愛打籃球
系藍球衣 象徵我是系藍的一份子
系藍球衣 象徵我夢想總會有實現的一天!
不過將來 我相信我一定能夠穿出它的價值!!!!
吼...真的好愛我的球衣ㄛ...每次有比賽 我打完就算是全身汗臭 也是捨不得
脫掉....> <