How many times in a lifetime
Do you get a chance to let your heart
beat so fast it wants to jump out?
How many times do you stand in front of
And the words just cannot come together
to make even simple sense?
Just what force of nature in this world
Can have this affect of craziness and feeling
of lost words.
The stars have been in the heavens for 1,000
times 1,000 millennia
Kings and pheasants and journeymen
Have seen these stars in the same heavens
And they, too, have been confused by this
heavenly feeling of not knowing "why"
So many years of wandering alone
On streets with 10,000 people walking so fast
It never failed to make me dizzy
And how can one's soul be so lonely amidst so
many? on the sidewalk under these stars?
And then one night
As if this universal feeling swept down upon
my shoulders
There he was....in a silly shop of trinkets
With the noisy swirl of uncontrolled passion
Created by the masses just wandering around
There I was as if a zillion candlepower
searchlight resided in my tired eyes
Staring at just one single person
With the most beautiful pair of glasses,
The most alluring sense of amusement
of simple toys
Adorable smile. Sad puppy eyes.
Quiet. Simple. Unusual.
Nobody else was there!
But you. So many miles away from home in the middle of a huge ocean of island people.
I lost you in that same crowd....almost a panic.
You walked away and I ran to chase and find you.
Almost didn't ! You were just gone ! It could have been for good. Right?
Staring up at the old, old stars that night....I stooped to kneel on the warm beach of my home I love so much.
I vowed not to have to run again to find you.
Not to have to panic because you walked out
and away from my life. So close to "forever" you know we came ?
Yes, looking up and thankful that I met you.
So happy to have crossed paths in such a
gentle, innocent yet impressive
So here I am telling you I only ever wish to walk toward you with the same gentleness and same heartbeat and the same incredible feeling.
Someday I might have the chance to read
this to you under the same stars
that helped us meet.
But then, I might only need to tell you simply,
That the heavens seemed to let us meet again.
And I am so thankful.
With respect & care,