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2007-06-19 15:05:32| 人氣73| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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是陳慧琳的"love paradise"
歌詞很簡單 簡單的說出幸福

You’re always on my mind
All day just all the time
You’re everything to me
Brightest star to let me see

You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you
through rain and shiny days

I’ll love you Till I die
Deep as sea Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go

Need you all my life
You’re my hope You’re my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life be our love paradise

台長: 喥咕愷
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