It might be useless to tell the reason I decided to go or whether I am regret at this moment. The fact is: I will be staying here until July 16 after all.
I finally told my ex-manager that I am going to quit. I can still remember what he said, about my job, my life, my career path... I knew I will be learnt a lot if I could break through the current situation. But the point is, how can I do that... I knew I have already worked with my whole-hearted. I have already shot my last bolt. Then what can I say if I am still stuck with this job? It is sad but true that it may be the highest point I could reach now. I am not at that high expectations, right?
It is understandable that I shouldn't be that sad if I am the one who end up the relationship. Be honest, I am a bit happy or released to leave, though others' responses are somehow out of my imagination. And I estimated that it would be lasted for a long period unless I have become unemployed again by the end.
I am sick of being stuck with the work or men which I could never please. My job can no longer give me satisfactory, at the same time, I could do nothing to make the company grow. For him, who will never appreciate what I've done, I can't see any point to stay as well.
It's enough for my grievances. I should have to clear up my mind and stand up again. I am ready to fight for my future.