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2006-11-23 19:07:52| 人氣635| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

畢業作品 6:ACT Theatre(劇場節目單封面---迷你海報)

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Design by: Chia-Chien Hsieh, 2006.





Design by: Chia-Chien Hsieh, 2006.
Design by: Chia-Chien Hsieh, 2006.

台長: Johnny

Wow! 真的差好多,好多,好多哦!
哦~ 我的意思是現在這張真是棒太多了!
以前作品的邊框太人工突兀, 或太花俏,
跟主圖不協調, 也搶去主圖的Focus.
現在這張, 整體協調優雅.無負擔感.

可見你的辛苦沒別費, 學費也沒別繳.

2006-11-24 08:46:05
是呀! 特別是第一張Born Yesterday差別最大.

這三齣劇的共通特色是, 其歷史背景都有半世記至兩百年間的歷史, 也就是古典與歷史是其要點. 所以其照片皆用黑白的, 而外框則是與其主軸有關. 上一版除了部份外框與字體排放不對以外, 另外我犯最大的錯則是採用的字體過新, 缺乏古典味.

Born Yesterday的背景約是半世記前, 一個未見世面的舞孃與一掏金大亨的故事. 因此除了改字體, 我把其外框改成帶有古典味的紅色造型, 另外也有一種從窗戶看世界的感覺.

Flight的歷史背景則至少有一百多年, 它是在講述黑奴在美國的一個故事. 其劇充滿了非洲音樂舞蹈與文化, 所以外框無須修改, 但原字體過於輕浮, 所以也改了.

至於Vincent in Brixton, 則是在闡述梵谷是如何從一個藝品賣家, 變成了一個畫家, 及一位女性對他一生的影響. 故此其原框亦無須修改, 但再一次問題出在字體, 所以才亦針對其字體做了修訂.

成功我想還談不上啦! 有也只是階段性的成功, 真正的挑戰還在未來哩!

我也很喜歡舞台劇, 除了台灣, 我去Las Vegas看過兩次. 一次是看一齣愛爾蘭的音樂劇, 一次則是看很另類的Blue Man(藍面人), 不過一直沒機會跟時間去紐約百老匯看看聽聽”歌劇魅影.”
2006-11-24 18:27:49
我正是喜歡這點. 這樣的處理方式比前者來的有深度及技巧,
也引人入目, 想深入探索. 看這齣戲碼.


台灣現在的舞台劇越來越多, 也越來越成熟. 真是令人欣喜. 有機會, 我也很想看百老匯的”歌劇魅影”和”貓”.
2006-11-25 02:09:39
了解故事內容及劇作家是一定要的, 特別是故事內容, 所以我還跑去看了其中一齣.

去年秋天剛設計這時, 那老師建議這一版的原因跟你一樣, 也就是從窗戶看世界的感覺, 再加上照片的單點透視.

貓劇除了紐約外, 在拉斯唯加斯也看得到, 而歌劇魅影大部份的時候, 就只有紐約有公演而已.
2006-11-25 21:27:02
Saw your message, I think is good you understand my point and understand how to refocus yourself. Talent without hardwork, is a waste of talent. After reading about your research on your projects and how u spend time in the market, that is great! Also do research when you have free time, don’t just do it when you are doing your project. The more you understand the greater you will be. At the bottom I will give you a link to a site, you can order their books too. Their books only sells to people that works in the art or animation industry, normal people will not know about it. I buy one before, still use it and look at it. There is many type of book inside, see which one fit you the best. I feel you have the heart to become a designer, so I like to share this with you. Later on if I come across anything I will let you know too. Also get a lot of books, study it and get information from it. like myself I have more than thousands of books every where haha...

ok I like to ask you some question about these pieces you are doing.

What is your thoughts behind each piece and why you created it the way you did?

the piece has a classic look to it, but I don’t know if you see what I see. I just see the border around it, the cool pattern and the colorful border. Especially the last image with the 3 picture together, the eyes just go to the color stuff, but the main information and what u want the viewer to look at is the center. But I dont feel that, if someone to look at that as a poster some where, they will just have one look and walk away. You need to make it strong to grab their attention, and also show what you want them to see. I am sure the border is not what u people to focus on right?

Also black and white pictures is pretty hard to really make a great poster, if you going to do that, you need to look at some old 20’s and 30’s black and white movie poster, study how they make it and what is the reason they do those pieces. 加油!

here is the website:

hope you have a good turkey day^^
2006-11-25 02:52:07
Yes, I still need more books. About research, I love to collect stuff that involves designing no matter when and where I am at. The stuff I have collected include business cabinets, news letters, cupons, variety of cards, brochures, packagings, handouts, paper samplers etc. Is this a kind of research?

About the theatre program cover (mini-poster) here, you told me something that my teachers never said. First, you definitely know there’re many different versions as roughs when you design something. The first time I designed this program covers was last fall(2005) when I was in the class of design 3. As the designing process, I created many different versions. The version here was actually not my choice; however, the version I liked my teacher in design 3 did not like it because of the serious problem of typography. He told me that he prefered the B&W photos with frames as windows, because he liked the one point perspective. Although it also had the problem of typography, but he thought that it was better than other versions. This’s why I kept this version for improvement and threw away other versions. And, the last photo here was the piece done in the class of design 3 in last fall. The teacher in desigh 3 did not tell me the problem in the frames, and the possible problem in visual from the viewers. So, I thought that this piece was Ok, because my teacher liked it.

The first 3 photos are the piece done 2 weeks ago in the class of design 6. I made improvement to the typography and part of the frames. The teacher in design 6 is a different teacher, but she just asked me to make improvement to typography , the position of letters, and the frame for Born Yesterday. After several times of improvement, she said that the typography was perfect, and it was all done. Again, she did not address the possible problems in the frame and the visual from the viewers. She already has more than 20 years experience in the field of graphic design; she should notice the possible problems as you found. Perhaps, she did not want to give me too much hard time, and want me to complete all the 15 pieces as soon as possible for graducation. I don’t know.

My original idea for this version was creating frames that could attract the viewers first, then use the 1 point perspective in the photos to bring the viewer to the center of the photos.

But your point and opinion is also great, because the photos are B&W, and it lacks special characters (照片無個別特色). Probably. researching in some of old movie posters will help as you said. I will keep this in mind, but I’m not going to change this piece again, because my teacher already marked this piece done, and I have no more time to redesign it.

Anyways, thank you for your advise, opinion, and encouragement.
2006-11-25 22:17:58
2006-11-26 20:20:58
2006-11-27 10:33:54
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