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2012-02-18 10:24:57


哈哈哈哈~~~~ 第一百篇囉........ 好偷笑啊.... 偷雞貼了一些老歌混到一百篇...... 謝謝支持..... 看文要記得請回應喲.......

2012-02-18 10:19:38

The Edge Of Heaven

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfdqMYqixPs I would lock you upBut I could not bear to hear youScreaming to be set freeI would chain you upIf I'd thought you'd swearThe only one that mattered was me, ...

2012-02-18 10:13:01

I Hate Myself For Loving You

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPkTGm4RtVM&feature=related Midnight, gettin' uptight. Where are you?You said you'd meet me, now it's quarter to twoI know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you.Hey...

2012-02-18 09:54:26

never gonna give you up

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ob=av3e We're no strangers to loveYou know the rules and so do IA full commitment's what I'm thinking ofYou wouldn't get this from any other guy I just...

2012-02-18 09:49:43

listen to your heart

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCC_b5WHLX0&ob=av3n I know there’s something in the wake of your smileI get a notion from the look in your eyes, yeahyou’ve built a love but that love...

2012-02-18 09:46:04

Heaven Is a Place on Earth

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFPajU-d-Ek When the night falls downI wait for youAnd you come aroundAnd the world's aliveWith the sound of kidsOn the street outside When you walk into the roomYou ...

2012-02-18 09:41:00

Greatest Love Of All

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYzlVDlE72w&ob=av3e 紀念一下惠妮休斯頓

2012-02-18 09:36:17


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63710ufJ8QA&feature=related 聽些老歌

2012-02-17 09:37:08


每天從早到晚的新聞,都是重復著同樣的人,事 很煩啊....... 我知道那小子很認真,很努力,很拼命,很上進 真的很值得大家替他喝采,鼓掌,敬禮..... 但電視打開來,想看社會新聞, 卻全天24小時,重復播放著他的新聞... ...

2012-02-14 10:03:39


這兩天是怎樣 全都是哀桑的新聞....... 惠妮休斯頓 鳳飛飛 曾紀恩 吳耀庭 這些名人過世的新聞 把那四個"世紀爛痞子"的醜聞 暫時遮掩過去 幹.....為什麼要用這些人的桑心新聞 來讓那四個喘口氣呢??? 這樣沒...

2012-02-12 20:50:21


http://www.wesport.tw/index.php?L=1&PP=8&PS=1&T=1320665767&AID=11110711101815989 今天參加這活動回來 腿快斷了 屁股痛死了...... 不過 很痛快啊........ 下星期日還要去日月潭爬山...

2012-02-10 17:55:31


EDDIE.JPG天啊~~~~ 那條毛巾,真是給摟啊......... 實在性感至極

2012-02-08 11:15:52


好冷啊....... 昨天和今天,真的是急速冷凍的說........ 昨天騎機車不用穿外套 今天卻下降到只有15度.....又下著雨..... 早上騎車,冷的手好痛 昨天短袖還會熱 今天室內二件長袖還會冷.... 春天啊春天............

2012-02-07 09:16:31


小妞妞~1.JPG這幾天在整理相片 找到這張12年前的小妞妞 呵呵....好口愛啊...... 好想回到12年前,咬一口嫩嫩的小臉蛋... 她不美,也不漂亮 就是很可愛,就真的是非常可愛....

2012-02-06 10:12:00


我又夢見他....... 國小五六年級的男同學 都己畢業快30年了 這29年來,我不斷不斷的夢見他 國中,高中,大學,出社會....一直一直.... 他叫張哲綱 他在我夢裡,像現實世界一樣,會長大 我想念他嗎??? 我不知道.......

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