Silly talk... What if we win $38M in Mark Six...
choi (2:34 PM) :
3800 today.
if i win....
how much after tax?
mcc (2:34 PM) :
haa... 3800 already deduct tax
choi (2:36 PM) :
really. that's really a lot of money.
mcc (2:37 PM) :
yes. so you sure win.
mcc (2:37 PM) :
i go and cook lunch la.
choi (2:39 PM) :
1000 - charity (retirement village/ school project)
250 - pay off our mortgage
300 - my mom (100 - pay off my mom's mortgage)
300 - rita bobo ( pay off your mom's mortage, start a dog shelter house etc)
200 - lent to your bro (pay off his mortgage
100 - MMP ( to start her business)
100 - BB ( to start her business)
30 - new car
guess how much left?
mcc (2:57 PM) :
still hv $1520 left
choi (2:58 PM) :
haha. i am doing an excel on that. very serious
mcc (2:58 PM) :
oh.. u got nothing to do?
choi (2:59 PM) :
1000 charity (retirement village/ school project)
250 pay off our mortgage
100 pay off my mom's mortgage
100 pay off Rita mom's mortage
300 rita bobo ( start a dog shelter house etc)
200 lent to your bro (pay off his mortgage
300 my mom
100 MMP ( to start her business)
100 BB ( to start her business)
50 Dad
50 Rita's mom
30 new car
500 low risk investment / fixed deposit
500 high return investment
50 maybe i will start a business too?
30 buy new AV equipments, clothes etc
30 Travel around the world
50 lend to friends or ppl in need?
choi (3:00 PM) :
maybe we shall buy a new house. i don't know. let me think think....:P
choi (3:01 PM) :
i don't want to give too much money to my dad...
choi (3:01 PM) :
bobo, i will buy a doggie wife for hoho if we really win
choi (3:06 PM) :
bobo, r u here?
choi (3:17 PM) :
bobo, r u here?
mcc (3:19 PM) :
mcc (3:19 PM) :
detailed plan
choi (3:20 PM) :
1000 scenario
120 charity (retirement village/ school project)
250 pay off our mortgage
150 rita bobo (start a dog shelter house etc & payoff aunties mortagae)
150 my mom(payoff her mortagae)
20 MMP ( to start her business)
20 BB ( to start her business)
5 Dad
30 new car
200 low risk investment / fixed deposit
30 maybe i will start a business too?
15 buy new AV equipments, clothes etc
10 Travel around the world
mcc (3:21 PM) :
haa.. u give 5 to ur dad but use 30 to buy a new car? haaaaaa
choi (3:23 PM) :
but you see I help payoff the house mortgage wor...
500 scenario
50 charity (retirement village/ school project)
150 pay off some of our mortgage
100 rita bobo (start a dog shelter house etc & payoff some of aunties mortagae)
70 my mom(payoff some of her mortagae)
15 MMP ( to start her business)
15 BB ( to start her business)
5 Dad
30 new car
30 low risk investment / fixed deposit
20 maybe i will start a business too?
7 buy new AV equipments, clothes etc
8 Travel around the world
mcc (3:24 PM) :
8 can travel around the world ???
choi (3:25 PM) :
ok la. for 2 less luxourious.
mcc (3:27 PM) :
ic.. good plan
choi (3:28 PM) :
haha. finally 50scenario....not very exciting :(
5 charity (retirement village/ school project)
35 pay off some of our mortgage
5 low risk investment / fixed deposit
5 entertainment/ short trip to japan etc
mcc (3:28 PM) :
choi (3:29 PM) :
but we have to pay off the mortgage...
choi (3:31 PM) :
if we only pay off the 2nd mortgage, we only need 23 more...
haha...i know i am silly,
but i don't want to waste any money if i actually win the lottery...heeee :P
and I want to put them into good use..
choi (3:35 PM) :
5 charity (retirement village/ school project)
30 pay off some of our mortgage
5 low risk investment / fixed deposit
10 entertainment/ short trip to japan etc/new car deposit etc
less money for mortgage and more money for fun...
well, i will stop here otherwise you think i am really crazy :)
5 charity (retirement village/ school project)
30 pay off some of our mortgage
5 low risk investment / fixed deposit
10 entertainment/ short trip to japan etc/new car deposit etc
5 charity (retirement village/ school project)
30 pay off some of our mortgage
5 low risk investment / fixed deposit
10 entertainment/ short trip to japan etc/new car deposit etc
more money for fun and less for mortgage
i will stop here. or you will think i am really crazy la.
mcc (3:36 PM) :
mm.. really crazy
choi (3:37 PM) :
yes, i actually do one for 30 win. do you want to see it too?
mcc (3:37 PM) :
yes, show me
choi (3:37 PM) :
take a guess
mcc (3:39 PM) :
5 charity (retirement village/ school project)
20 pay off some of our mortgage
3 low risk investment / fixed deposit
2 entertainment/ short trip to cambodia/new car dep
choi (3:41 PM) :
3 charity (scholarship)
20 pay off some of our mortgage
3 low risk investment / fixed deposit
4 entertainment/ short trip to japan etc
very close. but i only donate 10% in this scenerio.
so more money for fun :P
mcc (3:43 PM) :
goodie goodie!
choi (3:48 PM) :
sound so real
mcc (3:49 PM) :
so real in dreams
choi (3:49 PM) :
who knows? maybe we will win...
mcc (3:49 PM) :
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ S U R E W I N @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@