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2009-04-11 02:22:16| 人氣196| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

ೄ Stuffy ™

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Although was not the first time like this

Acts like a spoiled brat asks him to help me to go to the thing which on the street I want to eat

I already was submissive added very many times thank

But each time trades the result is equally not the intimate response

Each time has not helped me to buy

I like his anything?

Not intimate is not punctual annoys me to be angry every day

How long does such he enable me with this love also to support by hard and stubborn effort

Each time trades only then the grieved brokenhearted heart to be cool

Why doesn’t have this kind of person?Looks like elder brother the individuality same person...

When my belly hungry time will have no complain and regret feeds me to buy such thing

When I am angry will know how can I only then reveal the smiling face not to be angry

Why? You such are always selfish? Always such wound easily to me

In follows together after together real difference many

Before deceives people together

Completely understands the will of the people...........

台長: *鬆 "謹" 帶 ܤ
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