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2013-10-09 01:59:04| 人氣1,715| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Mr. Unhappy by Julie Delpy

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心情仍停留在夏天 " Before Midnight "

2013 年最棒的愛情電影  

連帶認識更多 Julie Delpy 好聽的歌曲



先生應該很想點首  Miss Unhappy 給我吧   



Mr. Unhappy by Julie Delpy






Why do you want me to be what I could never be?

為何總要我去做我從不去做的事 ?

Why do you want me to act like I was another man?


You always say I'm crazy, then why do you stay with me?

你總說我很瘋狂, 那又為何要待在我身邊呢?

Oh, tell me why... 告訴我為什麼~

Mister Unhappy   不快樂先生

Mister Always Angry   老在生氣的先生

Mister Always Sad  一直悲傷的先生

Mister Dissatisfied  老在不爽的先生

Tell me what to do   告訴我該怎麼做

So I could be with you  才能與你相處

Tell me how to be  告訴我該成為怎樣的女人

So you could love me...  你才會愛我呢 ?

I tried to behave for you  想試著與你好好相處

Just so you would not argue   只希望你不要再與我爭執

I changed my personality  改變個性

So you treat me with decency  只希望你對我有禮貌一點

My feisty temper doesn't agree  而其實我內心並不想

With your perfect idea of me  成為你想像中的完美女人

You even made a proposition  你甚至心中做了主張

That I should be on medication 我應該成為你的處方

Remind me what you love about me, mister  先生,容我提醒你當初愛我的初衷

Mister Unhappy  不快樂先生

Mister Always Grumpy  性情乖戾先生

Mister always cool  老愛耍酷的先生

Mister often cruel   常常講話傷人的先生

You're the one saying "I need some serious, serious fixing 


But who the hell are you to tell me what to do?


Now it's over and I feel like a newborn child


I see hope and beauty in the little patches of grass


You almost made me be like one of your sad fantasies


You almost made me feel like I wasn't with you...


No more wasting my life with you, Mister


Mister Superficial  超級膚淺先生

Mister "I am so special"  以為自己很特別的先生

Mister "Something's wrong"    哪裡怪怪的先生

Let me sing you a song  讓我唱這首歌給你聽吧



Mister Unhappy and Angry  不快樂又愛生氣的先生

Mister Sad and Dissatisfied  老是耍悲情又很難滿意的先生

Mister controlling and mind fucking  控制慾強與老是不爽的先生

Grumpy and Complexity 性情乖戾與複雜的先生

Mister cool, mister often cruel 冷酷又常靠夭的先生

You're so unhappy and lonely 你是如此不快樂又孤單

Always saying "something is wrong with me"  老是說我哪裡怪怪的

Well, something is wrong with you, man   其實怪的人是你,好嗎?


Because ever since it's over between you and I  因此我們之間就此結束吧

I feel so... amazing!  我竟然感到...驚喜 !!

Mister Unhappy...  不快樂先生

Why didn't you let me be?  為何你不讓我做自己呢 ?

台長: 沛緹
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