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OTP Challenge

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01.Holding hands 牽手

02.Cuddling somewhere 親吻某處

03.Gaming/watching a movie 玩遊戲/看電影

04.On a date 約會

05.Kissing 接吻

06.Wearing eachothers’ clothes 換穿對方的衣服

07.Cosplaying 角色扮演

08.Shopping 逛街購物

09.Hanging out with friends 和朋友打發時間

10.With animal ears 戴上獸耳

11.Wearing kigurumis 穿玩偶裝

12.Making out 親熱

13.Eating icecream 吃冰淇淋

14.Genderswapped 性轉換

15.In a different clothing style 不同的穿衣風格

(Visual Kei, gyaru, lolita, ect.)

16.During their morning ritual(s) 他們的早晨儀式

17.Spooning 摟抱

18.Doing something together 一起進行某些事

(this can be anything from watching tv to having sex. Just remember to tag appropriately.)

19.In formal wear 正式服裝

20.Dancing 跳舞

21.Cooking/baking 下廚/烘培

22.In battle, side-by-side 並肩作戰

23.Arguing 爭執

24.Making up afterwards 和好

25.Gazing into eachothers’ eyes 凝視對方的眼睛

26.Getting married 結婚

27.On one of their birthdays 其中一人的生日

28.Doing something ridiculous 做些滑稽的事

29.Doing something sweet 做些甜蜜的事

30.Doing something hot 做些熱情的事 

(once again, be sure to tag if you make it extremely NSFW!)

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