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2020-08-26 20:08:40| 人氣578| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Talk about Education for Covid

That is how the network effect our lifestyle which includes reading, mathematics,music, exercise.and so on the way for the internet
As I know the online classes has been for AID ,
The teacher should prepare interested materials for students and parents could learn together soon

Das ist doch schön wenn

During the period of the time, we can learn from ourselves being good enough for the people who will try their best way for our future together

The more encouraging and graces for them, the more confidence will be come true in their mindset

Also the management’s is the way

Co work together and then we can do it better now because we have the same feelings about our life

Lifelong learning from our family and friends who are care and kindness for our future

The news show that the cob still have to wait until the next season’s final Moment

Still have to practice Mores the cure of our mind will be healthy again now

台長: Sophia CHEN
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全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職) | 個人分類: 研究專區 |

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