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prevent 19~part 7

in the morning, sunshine wake me up

just like as usual, first estimate the thermometer for healthy or not

then you can do what you want to do is just watching tv, listening music,doing exercise and so on

for me, doing flexible exerci will make you feel good.

if you can bring the coffee beans , you could have cafe time in the morning

of course hand made caffine freely available for healthy

otherwise, you could ask for orders on the app's menu.

there is one thing that time is soild for the stooges.

if you are really hungry at midnight, prepare the fast noodles will be better than if any other way for sure.

haha~ the younger people maybe missing the night market....

all you needed prepare for yourself then the days will be easily pass away.

just take it easy and everything will be fine as soon as possible.

台長: Sophia CHEN
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 養生知道 |
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