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secret of Stefanie

20 things you didn't know about Stefanie Sun (Copyrights HERWORLD MAGAZINE)

#1) She was almost kidnapped. (她差點被綁架)
"It was at an autograph session in Taiwan in 2000.
I was bewildered - nothing like that had ever happened to
any other star, so at first I didn't know what was happening.
I heard gun shots, then this man holding an air rifle ran up
on stage. My minders grabbed me and whisked me away, and all
I saw was that he was quickly overpowered and pinned down.
He later went to jail for that."

#2) She has two dogs. (她有兩隻狗)
Her male Chihuahua, Sonny, lives here while
Normandy, a female Shih Tzu, is in Taiwan
男的叫Sunny, 是吉娃娃,現在在新加坡.
女的叫諾曼地. 是西斯狗, 現在在台灣.

#3) She was called "PEANUT". (她被叫”peanut”)
Her secondary school friends thought she looked like one.
Other nicknames were 'Chilli padi' ("I'm quite hot-tempered,
but only with friends") and 'Malayan tapi' ("They say my slightly
hooked nose makes me look like one!")

#4) Chilli sauce is a must. She has it with every meal. (她的每一餐都必須有辣椒醬)
"It's a habit. Any type will do, but I have to have some.
I just don't get it when restaurants tell me they've run out!"

#5) She loves French food. (我喜歡法國食物)
"Many Singaporeans find it rich, but I love it. My all-time
favourite is pan-fried foie gras. I know it's cruel how they
breed the geese, but it's so good! I just pretend I don't know
how it got there and tuck in."

#6) And cooks it too. 她也喜歡把它當下廚的材料
Her star dish is Portobello mushrooms marinated in read wine,
garlic and oyster sauce. "At a barbeque she recently had,"
adds makeup artist Clarence Lee, licking his lips at the memory,
"everyone was practically fighting over them!"

#7) She made coffee before her big break. 她在沒有進入演藝圈前曾幫人泡咖啡
She got her big break cutting out life-size standees of Sammi Cheng
and sending faxes. "I was an intern at Warner Music while I was
negotiating my contract. I remember there was a lot of faxing and
menial tasks, but I also helped administrate the releases of the
Austin Powers soundtrack, and albums by Princessa and Dr Bombay."

#8) Her home costs less than $4 million. 她的家值少過4百萬
"It was wrongly reported. I'm not telling how much it cost exactly,
but it cost less than that. And it's not as near to Orchard Road
as they make it sound."

#9) She used to be a basketballer. 她是個籃球高手
"I was hyperactive in primary school - I was smaller so I could
squirm around and steal the ball, ha"

#10) She was snubbed at a posh shop. 她在一間很高尚知名的店被情視.
"When I was shopping in a designer shop in Paris, I saw that the
staff were all standing around chatting instead of helping customers.
So I walked up to the cockiest-looking guy and asked to see a catalogue.
He just pointed at the guy next to him, as if to say he didn't want
to serve me! I was furious."

#11) She hardly did any homework in school. 求學時期,她不常做功課.
"I don't know how I got away with it, but I'd just make up excuses,
like 'I didn't bring it' or 'I've lost my book.' But I'd study
really hard come exam time."

#12) She was the class chairman.她曾是班上的主席
"I guess I was popular even if I wasn't very responsible!"

#13) She loves travelling. 她喜歡旅行
Greece, Antwerp, and the South of France are her dream destinations.
Says the star, who has been to Greater China, India, Malaysia, the US,
New Zealand, Australia, France, and Thailand:
"Greece for the colours, Antwerp 'cos I read somewhere it is bloody
happening, and the South of France for the good, fat foie gras
with less snooty Frenchmen."

#14) Rock-climbing is her latest hobby. 攀岩是她最新的嗜好.
"I go once or twice a week to this place somewhere in town
- I can't say where or it'll be very crowded after everyone reads this!"

#15) Cockroaches scare her. 她最怕蟑螂
" I hate watching Fear Factor when they have to eat cockroaches." Her
other pet fear is watching scary movies. I sleep alone most nights, and
have a very active imagination so I try not to watch horror movies
because I can't sleep replaying all those images in my mind."

#16) She's allergic to prawns. 她對蝦會產生敏感.
"The head portion especially gives me a bad rash on my thighs and sometimes
my face. It's sad because I really love prawns. Sometimes I'll just eat one
if I don't have to work the next day, even if it means putting up with the

#17) She went to Calcutta with World Vision. 她為了世界展萬會去了加爾各答.
"We visited the slums, where 40% of the population stays and saw how
families lived in shacks the size of storerooms. I also saw homeless
people whose nightly shelter was a canvas sheet spread over a railing
and shared with a few others."

#18) She cried when news of the Asian tsunami broke. It moved her
to give $25,000. 當她看到東南亞海嘯的新聞時, 她哭了. 我也捐了$25,000.
"I cried reading about it in the newspapers while on the plane -
so malu(embarrassed)! But it really deeply affected me to see the extent
of the devastation."

#19) She is the Mercy Relief ambassador. 她是Mercy Relief 的親尚大使
She has lent her name to the non-profit humanitarian organisation since
October last year, and visited tsunami-struck Indonesian province, Aceh,
in April to distribute books, drawing materials and personal-care items
to children in orphanages and schools.
只從去年十月, 她借了她的名譽給了這家無利益的機構, 這個四月她將到印尼西亞海嘯災區分發書本, 彩色材料和個人必需品給在孤兒院和學校的小孩.

#20) She's planning to act. 她計畫區演戲.
The songstress plans to take her first jab at acting in a movie this year.
No details are available yet, but her dream debut role would be
someone "like the plump landlady in Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle."

轉至: Her World Magazine


台長: Sophia CHEN
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