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2011-04-14 10:47:25| 人氣182| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

my baby

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First time I saw my baby I knew I was in love

 Because he was a gift I got from somewhere up above



 O wow, o yes, o joy, such joy,

right here in my arms He looks at me,

I can see he's showing all his charms 有他在我懷中, 此刻充滿了喜悅,

他凝望著我, 所有的迷人可愛之處顯露無遺

 Can`t remember what I did before I saw his face

But now he's here and I can feel his amazing grace


但沒關係, 因為此刻他就在這裡, 他的存在是多麼美妙的恩賜

 Watching him play somehow reminds me of myself Once upon a different time

when I was someone else

看著他在某處玩耍, 不禁讓我想起曾經的我與此刻有多麼不同

 O me, o my, I feel so high every single day O yes,

ole, my road yea yea, watching my son play

噢, 現在光是看著他玩耍就可以讓我的每一天都雀躍無比,

First time he walked it was a step into a chance I took his hand and then we started life's dance

 當他學會了第一次邁步, 我牽著他的手, 跳起了我們人生中的第一支舞

 The first dance was so fine that I never will forget

 He held my hand so tightly that I haven't stopped dancing yet


 My love, my GIRL oy, my BABY, my joy,always keep your glow And know that love will be with you wherever you may go

我的摯愛, 我的女孩, 我的女兒, 我的喜悅 .. 要永遠保持著你的神采,



And if something should fall apart somewhere down the line Just tell me all about it and I will make it fine 即使生命中有任何不順遂的事情也請告訴我, 我會盡全力讓一切變好

 I travveled many roads before but somehow they were wrong

 And sometime we find that life is just a simple song

 我的生命也曾經有過錯誤, 有過不順心,


Even the saddest songs have a human face I will always keep my son in love's magic place.



台長: 流浪的夏天
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