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2006-04-15 01:43:09| 人氣53| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

just want some confort

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i just need some confort 

i bent between my knees today when taking bus home from Tainan

"what’s wrong with you?"MOM asked

"nothin’" "i just trying to sleep" i answered

after a long tough exam, i was hollowed.

the ingredient of mine was going away with every letter i put donw on the test sheet.

on the bus

i couldn’t stop thinking

about some guys i’ve been loved with

about my beloved families

about my lovely dogs

about my dear friends



but some time i want to run away from you

it’s very strange that sometimes i really need to be alone although i am afraid of that kind of feeling and have tried to get rid of it whenever i can.

maybe your’s love is too heavy for me to keep

i don’t know

but i am sure that i’ve been in need of someone who can be around whenever i am in need.

i feel like crying.

when can i find this very person on whom i can depend?

any voulenteer?(ha, just jokking)

pondering, sometimes, is a torture for me.

and now, i just need some confort.


however... ...

it’s OK, no one has to worry about me 
i can deal with it. maybe.

just like what i used to be. 

台長: 小嘴
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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