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2004-10-22 01:53:10| 人氣67| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Guell Park /Antonio Gaudi

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在每年的七月中旬 是西班牙夏季白日最長的時間
所以一整天裡頭 可以觀光.旅遊.看展覽的時間 非常充裕..
當然到了晚上9~10點鐘 仰望天空 還不是最暗的時刻

所以 當時我懷疑這麼晚才下山的太陽
哈哈... 原來賴床的竟然還是我自己.

不過乾燥的熱氣 並不會讓我們感覺到汗流浹背
只要做好防曬措施 就可以玩得盡興...

照片中的4個女生 一齊架上太陽眼鏡
排坐在奎爾公園的椅子上 納涼...


Gaudi's Jewels.

These three constructions are the most significant works by the architect Antonio Gaudi (1852 - 1926).

Guell Park (1900-1904) was created with the concept of its being a residential town. It is situated in the upper part of Barcelona and, among other important innovations, it represents the beginning of the use of "trencadis" or multicoloured pieces of tiles as a covering.

Guell Palace (1886-1888) was built on a site whose plan measured just 18 x 12 metres, which Gaudi solved using a dome, stained glass windows and staircases, creating a visual effect which is larger than life. The building was constructed above basements with mushroom-shaped columns with pyramid trunks. The entrance doors are made of wrought iron and the sculpted entwined snakes represent the sense of movement. The beautiful terrace is a real open-air museum.

The Casa Mila, known as 'La Pedrera', was built between 1906 and 1910. It is one of the best known and most unusual of the architect's buildings and is believed to be Gaudi's best civil work. In it, the Catalan genius forgot about straight lines, both inside and out. Al the rooms are different and are organised around two interior courtyards. The chimneys of the roof terrace are sculptures in their own right and are well worth a visit. On the main floor there are some sculptured columns that are worth admiring.

台長: 古及
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