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2006-05-08 23:12:06

Love from Aunt Huang.

Love from Aunt Huang. How about the weather in Taiwan? Some weeks raining? This winter hier is long and cold, and also much snow and raining. But it’s sure that the summer coming soon. Willy’...

2006-05-08 23:05:42

Walking The Path With Paulo Coelho .

The tempest is approaching / May 2nd, 2006 I know that the tempest is approaching because I see what’s happening in the distance, I see what’s happening on the horizon. Of course the light helps...

2006-05-08 23:02:40


每日靜思語 當我們幫助、布施予人時,要像走路一樣,前腳走、後腳放, 即使做再多好事,也要如手畫虛空,畫過無痕。 人最怕的是掩飾自己的錯誤,能夠當眾發露懺悔,才會常常自我警惕; 也讓他人隨時來糾正自...

2006-05-07 21:28:49


隨著因緣的改變 一切都在變化中 一切都不會孤立地存在 所以當我們的生活一旦發生變動 我們應該重新燃起激情 並慶幸的說:機遇終於來了. 擁有一顆平常心 能使人在無盡的欲望之中 達到那種知足常樂的境界 這種境...

2006-05-05 21:04:00


世間萬事萬物都是因緣合和而成 因 就像一粒種子 它只具備了樹的因 還缺少成為樹的緣 只有把它埋入土中 經過陽光 水份 養料等善緣的聚合 它才能長成樹 直至開花結果 一份佈施的心 就是種子 有因緣時 要趕快播種...

2006-05-01 10:08:57


Impressions Of Switzerland. 瑞士咖啡館印象 一個瑞士朋友的相片簿: http://www.pbase.com/mardoli/root Many great writers have written their books at a café table. I have always considered café...

2006-04-26 20:57:07


又到了小黃花開的季節...阿褚先生又有新書了 無論你/妳是否已經培養出習慣性地"計畫旅行" 都應該享受關於旅行中一切可能會遭遇的美好.... 找自己去旅行—33個趣味密碼 作者:褚士瑩 出版社:大田 出版日期:2006...

2006-04-24 18:33:11

We were met in Austria-Hungary.

Dear all, wa... I have the same feeling, specially at this month every year. Today, just now, I even have a thought to re-write my Journal about the Austria-Hungary trip. This trip been chang...

2006-04-20 22:29:13

去年 這時

Dear all, As this season....let all of us go back to 2 years ago.We were met in Austria-Hungary.That was really a fantastic trip.After one year later,we also went to the same place and the same tim...

2006-04-14 18:03:52

- 家 -

地球月 支持肯夢AVEDA,你就已經在作環保 源起,地球月… 1970年,美國環保團體正式宣示 4/22 為地球日。AVEDA自動延長這個活動為整個四月份,並稱為「地球月Earth Month」,並已持續進行十年以上。今年地球...

2006-04-14 17:56:16


每日靜思語 人生要「現實」才好──「現實」的真正意義, 是不要幻想太多,要注重活生生的現在,去做實在的事。

2006-04-10 13:26:40

Jamies Italy : 走吧,去義大利!

Jamie’s Italy Jamie’s Italy 照片是攝影師Christopher Terry 的作品 請參觀這個網站: http://www.christopherterry.com/projects.php?id=0&nr=1

2006-04-09 22:34:07

Jamies Dinners.

來自攝影師Christopher Terry 的作品: http://www.christopherterry.com/home.php

2006-04-04 22:03:57

The Meatrix 2: Revolting

The Meatrix 2: Revolting http://www.themeatrix.com/index.html http://www.themeatrix2.com/ Hi guys, You remember the Meatrix? Well now the same guys have just released the sequel - The Mea...

2006-04-01 15:08:55


Dear all my friends, 看起來吃吃喝喝的確是我們聚會很重要的一部分喔~ 很開心的同學會...也很幸運的多了2天的假期 不管是有CTU的大直社區 或者在溫馨的竹北"家裡" 我們有很棒的時刻 一齊分享著旅行中許多...

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