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2007-05-07 11:02:43| 人氣81| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The absurdity

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I want to speak of English, only when I felt tired.
Someday, I see the absurdity, which is a man who wants to give me his passion. I want to refuse, and want to accept.
Then, I fall into to love, and fall into dilemma.

He always hope me as his lover, and to control with some force. But, he would tell me that he does not like to hold me tightly. I do not believe what he says.
When he is vacant, he is ”avaliable”.
When I am free, I am not free.

I just want to believe that what I observe, amd concept.
I believe myself.

台長: hc1016
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