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2022-08-01 05:33:53

A grey area

有心者有所累 無心者無所謂 任何人的勸阻 都不會讓你大徹大悟 真正讓你如夢清醒的 往往是經歷 吃虧 後悔和受傷 珍惜之所以可貴 是因為很多東西都是沒辦法珍惜第二次的

2022-07-21 13:52:29

wake up and smell the coffee

fireworks rain lane,whose kite is broken line,who really injured How much growth is needed to cover the sadness out of a mirage for a moment,we all thought we were growing up....

2022-07-09 02:40:25


該經歷和不該經歷的全都經歷了 該忍受和不該忍受的也都一一吞下了 還畏懼什麼 人生無非兩種結果 見效了和見笑了

2022-06-27 17:55:33

If you know who I was, maybe you would forgive who I am

" I deserted for half a century did not wait for my followe " 每次崩潰的理由 在別人看來 可能是小題大作 只有自己心裡清楚 這根稻草到底壓垮了多少 千斤重的難過

2022-06-22 17:30:57

what can i say

如今只羨慕一種人 把什麼都能看得很輕 一碰枕就能安心入睡 決心放手之後就不會再回頭的人

2022-06-14 15:26:23

I'm okay

sometimes, you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened.

2022-06-09 16:48:21


Still walks,was only and the time counter-direction

2022-05-30 02:54:31

grow up

如果說成長或者成熟的話 希望自己可以多一個功能 不管多少與是否在乎 當自己說無所謂的時候 就真的馬上無所謂了 自己強比什麼都強 別人給的隨時有可能收回去 只有自己創造的才會留下來 沒有誰能左右自...

2022-05-26 17:08:15

raining day

永遠不原諒 故意而為之的傷害 人們會用行動和演技 告訴你良心最不值錢 退一步早就不是海闊天空了 是得寸進尺 你們怎麼想的我 我就怎麼做給你看 不把罪名坐實了 我都覺得對不起你

2022-05-24 01:56:55

my little angel where are u ?

sometimes,i'll extravagant hopes you appear suddenly in my room when i wake up from the dream, all is over the fairy tale is always a good thing,wish will always be purebut the reality is always...

2022-05-19 07:19:52

mistakes are proof that you're trying

is to have how remorse, how many comprehend, can smile after the pain let it down.

2022-05-16 06:40:11

man in the mirror

最近恢復了原有的樣子 撤回了依賴 收回了主動放下了佔有慾 學會了一個人生活 沒有什麼放不下的 我放不下的只有那段 認真的付出了 卻只感動到自己的時光 『旗鼓相當的欣賞』 『比肩齊坐的對等』 ...

2022-05-11 16:57:09

two sides of the same coin

until you make peace with who you are,you'll never be content with what you have i say:reality who you are i have a really bad habit called assuming the worst

2022-05-09 05:00:18


the uninhibited can sometimes do some noble deeds more than the benevolent

2022-05-06 12:45:16


don't wanna know what kind of dress you're wearing tonight if he's holding onto you so tight the way I did before

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