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2008-02-27 14:55:47| 人氣103| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Valentine’s Day * " )

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LinkinPark聯合公園-Valentine’s day

My insides all turn to ash, so slow我的內心完全的化成灰燼,緩慢的

And the waves inside collide, so cold而我內心的波浪碰撞著,冰冷的

A black winter blew away, from sight黑暗的冬天從我的視線吹開

And how the darkness over days, that night那延續幾日的黑夜,怎會如此的暗

And the clouds above moved closer天上的雲無依靠的聚著

Looking so dissatisfied

But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing而無情的風持續吹著,吹著

I used to be my own protection, but not now我一直的保護自己,除了現在

’Cause my path has lost direction, somehow因為我的路已經失去了方向

A black winter blew away, from sight黑暗的冬天從我的視線吹開

And how the darkness over day, that night那延續幾日的黑夜,怎會如此的

And the clouds above moved closer天上的雲無依靠的聚著

Looking so dissatisfied

And the ground below grew colder地下的土越來越寒冷

As they put you down inside他們把你放在這中間

But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing而無情的風持續吹著,吹著

So now you’re gone所以你現在走了

And I was wrong而我錯了

I never knew what it was like

To be alone....我從未想像過孤獨的景象

On a Valentine’s Day...On a Valentine’s Day在一個情人節......在一個情人節

On a Valentine’s Day...On a Valentine’s Day在一個情人節......在一個情人節

On a Valentine’s Day...On a Valentine’s Day在一個情人節......在一個情人節

(I used to be my own protection, but not now)(我一直的保護自己,除了現在)

On a Valentine’s Day...On a Valentine’s Day在一個情人節......在一個情人節

(’Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)(因為我的心已經失去了方向)

On a Valentine’s Day...On a Valentine’s Day在一個情人節......在一個情人節

(I used to be my own protection, but not now)(我一直的保護自己,除了現在)

On a Valentine’s Day...On a Valentine’s Day在一個情人節......在一個情人節

(’Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)(因為我的心已經失去了方向)




台長: ♥ (N) D ﹡莎莎莎*
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