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小布希則協助911的偽旗事件,利用他哥哥馬文布希為以色列“藝術學生”而成立的安全小組,在世貿中心設置爆炸物。重新定位北美空防司令部NORAD進行『軍事演習』。 進入持久自由與伊拉克的長期行動。為Shekniah創造“震撼和敬畏”的儀式。


小布希在2003年3月22日的春分開始他神聖十字軍活動,是異教徒的儀式與犧牲。骷髏旗隊322!2003年5月1日(以光明會的年曆),小布希登上航空母艦『亞伯拉罕·林肯號』,在洛克希德S-3維京號中,小布希宣布『重大作戰行動結束』。這些邪惡的混蛋殺了數百萬人,是美國要拿掉7個國家的部分行動計劃,包括: 伊拉克,敘利亞,黎巴嫩,利比亞,索馬利亞,蘇丹以及伊朗。

George Herbert Walker (Scherff) Bush was called, "Magog", from the Skull & Bones Ch. 322, (Totenkopf skull, literally deads head) which came from Germany. His dad Prescott Bush help funded the Nazi and help created Project Paperclip. Organizing the CIA by absorbing Nazi OSS agents and transferring Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians were arriving in America, including Wernher von Braun.

George H.W. Bush was the Director of the CIA and help assassin President John F. Kennedy. He entered the Gulf War, codenamed Operation Desert Shield. George W. Bush help with the false flag 9/11 story, by using his brother Marvin Bush security team for Israel "art student" to set the explosives in the WTC. Redirecting NORAD for a "practiced drill". Entered Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Created the "Shock and Awe" campaign for the ritual of the Shekniah. The "Shock and Awe" (Shekhinah in Hebrew: mean "Divine Presence." Literally: "dwelling.) Now called Operation Shekinah aka Operation Iraqi Freedom used the MOAB or Mother Of All Bombs.

George W. Bush started his Jesuit Holy Crusade on the Spring Equinox of Ostara on 3/22/03, which is an occult ritual and sacrificed. Skull & Bones ch. 322! On 1 May (illuminati date) 2003, George W. Bush landed on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, in a Lockheed S-3 Viking, Bush declares "End of major combat operations." These evil bastards killed millions, which is part of the U.S. planned to take out 7 countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.

台長: 喜貓
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