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塔拉與拉瑪2015 12的對話(提及星際大戰之原力覺醒)

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塔拉: 好的 事情不是它們看來的那樣你可以說故事充滿這個地球大地之母的行為有點異常緬甸蟒蛇形魚殺人蜂出現在地球是的總是有些奇怪的時候但大地之母快速反應正在發生的事情爬蟲是他的小孩正如我們也是他的小孩




拉瑪: 是的


塔拉: 那時他移往超新星當母親的小孩被重新分派到那個星球這是不久前發生在銀河的事


拉瑪: 是的Maldek星球的故事被破壞掉很多叛徒這是獵戶座戰爭的一部分星際大戰系列故事就是建構在獵戶座戰爭」。當喬治盧卡斯很久以前開始構思這故事時他跑到發明藥輪卡的Jamie Sams那裏她帶出一位存有自稱來自歐德本倫的莉亞公主後來在電影裡改名為來自奧德蘭的莉亞公主述說他哥哥路克與父親安納金·天行者後來成為黑武士達斯·維達的故事是的這裡我們正有電影上映原力覺醒趕快去看唯一我想說的是女神回來了


塔拉: 正是如此這是一部超棒的靈性電影敘述揚升與回歸女神值得你一看再看並一起看推薦看3D比較貴但值得


好的這部電影在講第11顆星球Maldek Maldek人被給予第二次機會新生的過程。他們對很多事都不同意,叛逆到一個極點。聽起來有沒有很熟悉各位大自然回應造成地震其中一個地震造成核發釋放出核彈這些核彈本來設定要對準敵人的他們活在二元對立的星球稱為地球,他們不同意他們來自地球哪裡來自中東母親將他們丟出這個星球說這裡是你自己的星球處理一下清乾淨





拉瑪: 是的,Maldek星球的故事被破壞掉,很多叛徒。這是獵戶座戰爭的一部分,星際大戰系列故事就是建構在「獵戶座戰爭」。當喬治盧卡斯,很久以前開始構思這故事時,他跑到發明藥輪卡的Jamie Sams那裏,她帶出一位存有,自稱來自歐德本倫的莉亞公主。後來在電影裡,改名為來自奧德蘭的莉亞公主,述說他哥哥路克,與父親安納金·天行者(後來成為黑武士達斯·維達)的故事。是的,這裡我們正有電影上映,原力覺醒,趕快去看。唯一我想說的是,女神回來了!


塔拉: 正是如此,這是一部超棒的靈性電影,敘述揚升與回歸女神,值得你一看再看,並一起看。推薦看3D版,比較貴,但值得。


好的,這部電影在講第11顆星球Maldek Maldek人被給予第二次機會。他們對很多事都不同意,叛逆到一個極點。聽起來有沒有很熟悉?各位。大自然回應,造成地震。其中一個地震造成核發,釋放出核彈。這些核彈本來設定要對準敵人的。




拉瑪: 引發成洪水


塔拉: 這是諾亞方舟與洪水的故事,我們在講的時間點


拉馬: 40天的輻射水


塔拉: 下了40天的雨水,是輻射水。諾亞是星際飛船的船長,方舟指的就是星際飛船。諾亞裝滿所有種類生物,包括礦物王國,動物王國,與人類,以保留地球曾有的生命。那些從輻射雨水存活下來,但基因結構有突變的生命,為整個曾發生的事件,留下沒有愛的業力註記。



拉瑪: 引發成洪水


塔拉: 這是諾亞方舟與洪水的故事我們在講的時間點


拉馬: 40天的輻射水


塔拉: 下了40天的雨水是輻射水諾亞是星際飛船的船長方舟指的就是星際飛船諾亞裝滿所有種類生物包括礦物王國動物王國與人類以保留地球曾有的生命那些從輻射雨水存活下來但基因結構有突變的生命為整個曾發生的事件留下沒有愛的業力註記




拉瑪: 是的


塔拉: 11顆行星是提亞馬有軌道像行星飛船尼布魯賽克邁特母親的飛船尼布魯與提亞馬的軌道都是垂直運行在我們其他九個星球的軌道上提亞馬與Maldek的振動模式,回歸到與地球母親的飛船肩並肩正以指數速度在提升頻率到更高更高愛的境界






拉瑪: 我們確實需要幫助


塔拉 是的我們的租金漲了50所以我們欠了$1,050我們生活在你知道黑色的冰塊上我們仍然沒有錢去買輪胎把車修好總共要花$600我們實在要做點事因為雪跟冰塊跟光溜溜的輪胎不是個好主意請盡可能協助我們也謝謝你們一路相隨


拉瑪: 謝謝你們


塔拉: 我想提最近新聞的幾件事Debbie Wasserman Schultz是個問題(: 他是美國眾議院議員)




拉瑪: 對她不是無辜的


塔拉: 一切是設計好的你可以這麼說還有我們的老大哥伯尼桑德斯




塔拉: 是的即使黛比有罪


拉瑪: 是的她拿了20億賄絡的錢與可薩集團有關


塔拉: 她的事會壁康同時回到這裡的業力隨著第11顆行星因為我們能夠也因為我們已經走在這條路上正在整合更高頻率我們能從銀河觀點讀取曾發生的故事帶到我們意識的覺醒讓我們大家不要忘記最小的一步善行與讚美都是最高形式的愛能改變所有的事真的這是唯一曾經的擁有


拉瑪: 祝福我們大家


塔拉: 向彼此內在的神致敬







Tara & Rama: Greetings, Everyone! 


Tara: Okay, things are not as they appearas we all know so well. You might say there are stories all over this planetwhere Mother Nature is acting a little bit strange - Burmese pythons in theEverglades and snake-like fish in the Potomac and killer bees swarming theworld. Yes, these are strange times, yet Mother Nature reflects what’s going onexponentially with her children, and the reptilians are her children, exactlyas all the rest of us are, as equal to her Paschats, and her Bird People andmany other tribes that are here on Planet Earth.


As Rama went to see Rana Mu today, sheexplained that there is an eleventh planet and that she is named Tiamat and sheis related to Maldek which is presently an asteroid belt between Mars andJupiter.


Rama: Yes.


Tara: And it went supernova at that time asa result of Mother’s children who were relegated to that planet. And this is astory not so long while ago in a galaxy not so far, far away called our galaxy.


Rama: Yeah, this story of the Planet Maldekgetting destroyed and many rebels – this is a slice of the Orion wars. Theseries ‘Star Wars’ was based on the Orion wars when George Lucas, when he firstbegan this story long ago, he went to Jamie Sams who created the medicine cards– she brought through a being named Princess Leia of Aldebaran. In the moviethey changed it to Alderaan. Princess Leia told the story of her brother Lukeand their father Anakin Skywalker who became Vader and on we go. Yet, here weare with ‘The Force Awakens.’ Go see it. The only thing I can say is, theGoddess returns.


Tara: This is exactly it. This is a superspiritual movie and it’s speaking of ascension and many things of the return ofthe Goddess. It’s worth every visit you can come together and make. And get theglasses! Go to the 3D one. It’s a little more expensive but it’s really worthit.


Okay, so this story, this about theeleventh planet being the reincarnation of Maldek is a ‘second chance’ for theMaldekians who disagreed on many things and polarized themselves on Maldek toan extreme. Sound familiar, everyone? And Nature reacted amongst them anddisagreements causing earthquakes. One of these quakes triggered a nuclear silowhich then released a nuke and all these nukes were all targeting their enemy.They lived on polarized opposite sides of their planet and they came fromEarth. And they were disagreeing. Where from Earth did they come? They camefrom the Middle East. And Mother cast them off this Planet and said, ‘Here,here is your own planet, now deal with it and get it straight!’


Okay, instead, one of these quakes releaseda nuclear weapon which was targeted to their enemy on the opposite side of theplanet. Reacting, the enemy sent their own nuke back, thinking that they werebeing targeted by their enemy when it was a natural release. Anyway, so thesepolarized enemies and their actions caused Maldek to go super nova.


The nuclear fallout entered thegravitational field of Mars and pulled all the water off of the surface of Marsand carried it to Earth.


Rama: The flood.


Tara: This is the story of Noah’s Ark andthe Flood. That’s the time period we’re speaking of.


Rama: Forty days of radioactive water.


Tara: Yes! The forty days of rain wasradioactive water, yes. And Noah was a starship captain and the ark was astarship and Noah filled it up with all the species - mineral, plant and animalkingdoms and humans - to preserve life as Earth had been. Those who remainedregistered mutations in their genetic structures from the radioactive rain,with representations of the karma of the entire story of unloving presence onthe Planet.


And the teaching of this parable now basedin true occurrences is, we have been granted a second chance, a second coming,as you will, and we’re the ones that are coming second to bring what we haveall been working toward, rather than waiting for.


Rama: Yeah.


Tara: The eleventh planet Tiamat has anorbit like planet starship Niburu, Mother Sekhmet’s planet starship. Niburu andTiamat’s orbits both travel perpendicular to the orbits of our other nineplanets. The vibrational patterns of Tiamat/Maldek returned with Mother’splanet starship side by side, are raising the frequencies exponentially more tohigher and higher platitudes of Love.


This planet, Tita Lacoria, has alreadyraised her vibrations to the twelfth dimension and this is to help all of us toactually raise our vibrations also, to match hers in the twelfth dimension. Andthat is change and change we can all believe in as we, the ones who we havebeen waiting for, are fully incarnating in our light bodies. These increasedfrequencies are causing the thirteen families and their minions to act outmore.


You might say it started as a schoolyardkiss and has become a brawl, thus exposing themselves to everyone ever muchmore as to who they might be or not be, behaving and misbehaving in kind. RanaMu said the change we have been working so diligently to manifest is so everimminent. And Love continues to prevail over all and increase our awareness andit is up to us, of course, to act in the midst of this time/space continuumthat we are in. In the meantime, Rama has something to say.


Rama: We really do need help.


Tara: Oh, okay, yes we do. Our rent hasbeen raised by another $50, so we owe $1,050 and we’re living, you know, onblack ice at the moment. We still don’t have the money to get our tires and toget the tune-up and it costs, altogether it’s going to cost $600 and we reallyneed to do something because snow and ice and bald tires is not a good remedyhere right now. So please assist us as best as you can and thank you, everyonewho keeps us going anyway. 


Rama: Thank you.


Tara: I wanted to mention a few things that are in the news regarding whatwe’ve been saying here and that is that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the problemhere.


Rama: Right.


Tara: And Hilary is not innocent, either.


Rama: No, she’s not.


Tara: And this was all planned to – youmight say – edify Hilary and put our brother


Rama: Bernie.


Tara: Bernie Sanders, you know,


Rama: In the dumpies.


Tara: in the dumpster, right. Althoughwhat’s going on here is that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is guilty of crimes.Let’s just put it that way.


Rama: Yeah, she took two billion dollarsfrom Netanyahu as part of bribe money connected with the Khazarians.


Tara: Yes, and she will be exposed for whatshe has done. And in the meantime, this return of our karma is here now andwith this eleventh planet because we can, because we have already walked thispath to a place where the synergy of our frequencies is high enough that we canactually take this story from a Galactic perspective and bring it to theawakening of the consciousness of all of us. Let us not forget who we are. Thesmallest little step in goodness and kindness and praise, praise being thehighest form of Love, can change everything and, indeed, it is the only thingthat ever has. NESARA now!


Rama: In the words of Tiny Tim, “Bless usevery one.”


Tara: Namaste! I pass this talking stickback to you, Sister Fran.


Transcription by Marta. Edited by Fran.








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