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五年前, 33名(注意這個數字)智利礦工, 發生礦災, 掉到相當於101大樓高度的坑洞裡. 智利總統, 用盡各種可能, 終於在受困第18天, 用土法煉鋼的方式, 把他們救出來. 這些礦工在坑洞的17天裡, 沒有垂頭喪氣, 依然組織起來, 分配工作, 活動筋骨讓身體保持最佳狀態.

救援行動是自地面像鑿井般一路鑽到地底, 然後, 放下像膠囊般的救生艙, 叫鳳凰一號; 一個個把人員全數救上。 中間如何確保土質結實, 不會鬆軟, 不會落石, 不會滲水, 實在令人捏把冷汗!!~ 工頭自告奮勇最後一個上來.

當時我在電視機前, 看實況報導. 看他們一個一個被救上來, 心中一邊幫他們祈禱.


這個新聞充滿了不可思議, 與對人類極限的挑戰~~ 如今拍成電影了, 工頭是安東尼班德拉斯演的. 克里昂的傳訊中, 對這則新聞非常注意, 也提醒對世人的啟發性. 所以傳訊者李卡羅, 已第一時間看過這部電影, 他的感想是好萊塢電影免不了稍誇大煽情, 但盛讚仍是部勵志好電影~~



As many of you know, I was very involved in the active remembrance of the 33 miners who were rescued in CHILE during the very spectacular international event in 2010. In 2012, our Kundalini tour representing about 60 attendees, visited the Atacama Desert where the now closed mine is located. We didn't just visit once, but again in 2013 with about the same number.

The second time was a stellar surprise. They were waiting for us! Our Kryon group was considered the first organized group who ever visited the site. Since there were planning to open it to the public, they waited until we got there and honored us with… (ready?) - four of the original miners to greet us. (gasp). We got to question them as long as we wished, and spent quality time with the group. Think of this! Who else gets this? We found out lots of things that were never published (and won't be).

We learned a movie was in progress, about a year ago, and now… here it is! It's in theatres now, so here is my first MOVIE REVIEW: Go see it! It's a fine film, and it will enhance this wonderful event that created compassion for the whole Earth.

From my internal (I know too much about it) perspective, my only comments are small, but ones you might find interesting so you will know more.

(A) The real hero of this whole event was the President of Chile, Sebastian Pinera, who told the world, "Whatever it takes… no matter the cost." In fact, Chile now has a small national debt because of the rescue (It had none before). President Pinera's face was all over the event, and he was there in person for the entire rescue and greeted each miner as they emerged. The movie, however, has credited the health minister (go figure), and so that part is not accurate at all. Hollywood can do what it wants with history, and it's not the first time they have re-written the truth to make things more dramatic.

(B) Speaking of that, I can also tell you that the things that happened underground were not at all as shown in the movie. We are perhaps some of the few who really know what went on. However… it's a fine film, and well done. Just know that as you watch, "not all is as it seems."

Some of you may wish to see my ORIGINAL short 4.5 minute FACE BOOK movie, which I made within hours of our encounter with the miners. It's here for you again to enjoy and to re-live the moment with me.

by Lee Carroll




智利礦工啟示錄 - 一個也不能少~ (之前寫的舊文 2010/10/16)


酷熱異常的八月, 我在新光三越地下美食, 電視牆不斷播送時尚/美食等眩目的新聞, 中間夾雜著新聞快報; 看到【智利礦工】四個字。懶洋洋的頭腦完全不想讀取、拼湊資料。心想為何穿插這麼突兀, 遠在台灣好幾千里以外的新聞?


幾天後, 才得知, 有33名智利礦工因災變被困在金銅礦區, 比101大樓還深的幽谷中(地下-622~ -625公尺 )。原本說, 救援技術需借助美國太空總署, 救援時間需時四個月, 可望在今年耶誕節附近救出。 沒想到, 就在10月13日展開救援, 不到兩天時間, 全員救出, 重返地面呼吸新鮮空氣。所有過程呈現在世人面前, 令人激動落淚。


一群人, 在幽閉空間, 共同生活了六十九天, 是項身, 心, 靈與人性大考驗。在他們求救訊號送出, 支援行動未到之前, 只靠一點點糧食撐過十七天。一群人困在幽暗密閉的空間, 那兒也去不了, 不同個性, 不同情緒, 不同看法, 曾有過的絕望, 恐懼交錯奔馳, 如果說, 在裏面曾爆發激烈爭吵或打鬥, 一點也不令人意外!~~


救援行動是自地面像鑿井般一路鑽到地底, 然後, 放下像膠囊般的救生艙, 叫鳳凰一號; 一個個把人員全數救上。 中間如何確保土質結實, 不會鬆軟, 不會落石, 不會滲水, 實在令人捏把冷汗!!~


這次事件讓一向不是以經濟, 科技取勝的智利, 在國際間的好感度大幅提高!!~


有位礦工說得好, 【我們與上帝同在, 我們也與魔鬼同在~】 好寫實, 好詩意的表達。即使是局外人, 彷彿都能體會那種時時刻刻與死亡相處, 又抱持一絲曙光的感覺。


這次能夠成功脫困, 一個都不少, 全賴這群礦工堅毅的體魄, 救援行動的縝密與不可知力量的介入。只有奇蹟才能形容!!~ 整個過程, 只要有一絲一毫的差錯, 絕不會是今天圓滿的結局!~


工頭叫Luis, 在救援之前, 即表達他要排在最後, 看到弟兄全數獲救再上來; 我們看到了, 美國911事件, 繼紐約市長朱利安尼後, 另一個令人尊敬的領導者。雖然他真實身份只是個礦工工頭, 但是六十九天的危困, 如果沒有他穩健特質與指揮若定, 事件或許會往另一個方向走去也說不定。這段期間, 他們仍分三班工作, 維持正常作息, 保持一種失去時間的時間感。而且還借助每個人的特質與專長, 分工合作, 尤如一個小型社會, 在幽深的地底繼續運作。


我們的生命, 是通過產道誕生的; 這33礦工, 經過這622公尺的通道儀式, 再一次接受生命洗禮, 地底69天裏, 他們的生命一定發生了很深的轉化; 出來地面後, 他們或許仍是社會底層卑微的小人物, 但是他們對於生命中所有的選項, 與價值的先後取捨, 肯定有大不同的思考與作為。


礦工的故事, 到此尚未告一結束; 除了幽閉空間處久所需要的心理追蹤與復健外, 大把鈔票已擺到他們面前, 他們不知是否會心動, 他們的家人, 親戚, 情婦, ...會是怎樣的互動, 錢常能引發微妙的化學變化。


看來這些礦工仍要繼續維持好體魄, 以便能應付接下去展開的新生活… 



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