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六種療癒聲音(轉自臉書Natural News)

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Today we're far more familiar with the concepts of sounds, sound waves and the constantly vibrating state of all matter in the universe. We use ultrasound waves to look inside the human body, destroy gall and kidney stones, and search for oil as well as to unlock other secrets deep within the earth.

So what does this have to do with healing the body? Everything. In Chinese medicine, there are so many fantastic methods to heal and cure that are so little known today. One of these ancient healing methods is known as the "Six Healing Sounds" or the "Six Syllable Secret."

What they discovered was that, no matter what language a person spoke, when they had any particular illness they all made the same sound.

For example, if a person had a problem that was determined to be in their kidneys, they were often hunched over, had shallow breathing and made a characteristic "Wooooooooo" sound, regardless of their spoken language.

This is akin to how everyone in the world all makes the same "ha ha ha" sound when we laugh regardless of the language that we speak. Because humor generates a strong "E-motional" response in the body and mind which of a "fire" nature. E-motions are not just feelings but "Energy in Motion."

Each of the five major vital (yin) organs of the body, one of which is the heart, of them has its own sound. The five vital yin organs are the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen. There is actually another sound which corresponds to all the organs and is a sixth sound completing the set.

Three of the Six Sounds

1) The Lungs -- To make the sound, start by taking a deep breath, then with a slow exhalation you make the sound "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"... similar to the sound of a snake while exhaling about 75% of the air in your lungs. As you inhale, imagine energy coming back into the lungs to recharge them and then exhale again while making the "SSSS" sound. Do this after each of the sounds for all of the organs/systems.

The sound does not need to be loud, and your exhalation should be gentle and calm. The lungs house the negative emotions of grief, sadness and sorrow and the positive emotions of righteousness, surrender, letting go, emptiness and courage.

2) The Kidneys -- The second sound is the sound for the kidneys, the "Woooooooooooooo" sound. Phonetically, it sounds more like "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuu." When this sound is made on the exhalation with the lips pursed as though blowing out a candle at a distance, it will begin to purge the kidneys of excess fire chi, increasing the flow of its energy and the energy of the rest of the internal organs.

3) The Liver -- To purge the liver, make the sound "SHHHHHHHHHHHHH"... "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."The sound is just like the sound you would make when telling someone to be quiet, "Shhhh." In this case, we are in essence telling the liver to be quiet. Just like the previous sounds, we're going to make the sound soft and gentle, as this will help further facilitate the calming down of the liver chi.

4) The Heart. To perform the heart sound, we are going to first take a few deep breaths, then close the eyes and become aware of the heart. After a few breaths you can begin making the heart sound by tilting the head back and while looking up, open the mouth and make the sound HAWWWWWWWWWWWW upon exhalation.

Take a short rest between each repetition by taking a few normal breaths and, keeping the eyes closed, visualize a bright red color along with the qualities of joy, sincerity, honor and creativity coming into the heart with each inhalation. This is an important step, so do not skip it.

Practice the heart sound 3-6 times. If you have a sore throat, cold sores, swollen gum's or tongue, heart disease, heart pains, to detoxify the heart or you are experiencing moodiness or jumpiness, then perform this exercise from 9 to 36 times.

5) The Spleen. To perform the spleen sound, take a deep breath, then exhale and make the sound WHOOOOOOOOOO. Inhale and breathe deeply into the spleen, pancreas and stomach while imagining a bright yellow light with the qualities of fairness, compassion and musical creation entering them. Repeat this sound 3 to 6 times.

If you are experiencing indigestion, nausea, diarrhea or wish to detoxify the spleen, then perform this sound 9 to 36 times. This sound is more effective and healthier than using antacids. This is the only sound that can be done immediately after eating.

6) The Triple Burner. The sound for the triple burner is a very simple one. It is the same as the word "He" but the "e" sound is extended for the duration of the breath. The triple burner sound is HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. As with the other sounds this sound should be made very softly or "sub vocally" meaning you only need to breathe out and open your mouth as though making the sound, but without making a sound or vibrating the vocal chords. This sound can help to regulate the heartbeat and is often used by Chinese martial artists to help slow down the heartbeat either during or after a fight or any other strenuous exercise.

This sound can also be used to help with insomnia. You can make it from 3 to 9 times per set, and repeat each set several times if needed to help slow the heart and calm the entire system down.

About the author:
Rich is a network engineer and longtime practitioner of Chinese martial arts, medicine and chi-gung for over twenty six years. Having learned many Chinese health and healing arts from old world gung-fu and healing masters and practitioners, he has helped many people to overcome their health issues and achieve their fitness goals. Through diligent study and experience he has taken this knowledge even further over the years including reading scores of books on Chinese medicine, health, chi theory, science, physics, nutrition, supplements, meditation, martial arts, and many other subjects. Utilizing the web, health and fitness videos, newsletters, articles, teachings and lectures, Rich is passionate about spreading the true knowledge of health, healing, fitness and spiritual truths. I'm proud to be writing articles for NaturalNews.com You can read many articles, hear audio interviews, and learn more about the highly praised Chinese Health and Fitness video by visiting Chinese Health and Fitness.com

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