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給光之工作者的訊息 - 豐盛與金錢(Caroline Oceana Ryan, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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Chapter 1: On Money and Abundance
[Question] My friends, so many are struggling now with money issues. They say that it all begins with an inner situation, an inner set of feelings or beliefs about abundance or lack. 
How is it that some of the most spiritually aware people seem to struggle in this area?
[The Collective] Namaste, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you on this important subject.

For there is a glorious amount—an endless amount—of Light and energy in the Universe, constantly awaiting your command to become what you refer to as physical matter, whether that is currency or that which you wish to buy with currency.
Understand always, that that which we call Source Energy cannot run out. It cannot suddenly be hard to find, or decide to hide from you or any of your fellow beings living an Earth life.
It is time now to understand that only blocks in consciousness can keep away any good thing.
And yes, we fully comprehend that many of you were injured as children, and in hundreds of past lives, where the seed was planted in your consciousness that the Universe is a contentious and dangerous place.
You were taught and had it bred into you, on such a level that it unconsciously manifested over and over, in cellular/DNA form, that there is not enough for everyone, and that there is certainly not enough for you.
Now, it is extremely easy to move from that belief—which is not at all “true” in the sense that no one need experience this idea once they see and understand it—to thinking that it is natural and unavoidable to feel small in terms of what one has or does not have.
It is easy to assume that because you feel alone and abandoned in the Universe, there are no outer helps for you there, and that even when you ask for a thing, it does not appear, except by accident or hard work.
This is one of the great traps, one of the most insipid faults and deepest pits of the third dimensional experience, and our empathy for your situation is complete.

Because there is no such thing, anywhere in your Universe, as “lack.” 
There can be no lack of energy or abundance, or of love, perfect health, or inspiration for one’s path.
Because there is nowhere in your Universe that is not full of energy and Life in its fullest form—at least, nowhere that you would concern yourself with or take interest in.

We understand that you live amidst corrupt government and corporate (they are the same) structures that have robbed you blind on many levels.
Chief amongst these robberies was the narrowness which has been ascribed to the human outlook, the blinders and blindfolds put upon you, under which you are expected to operate as if all were well.
These blinders are placed upon you throughout your education, your working lives, your family lives, and even upon the most basic of scientific principles upon which your planet runs. They involve many other things as well.
But within these areas in particular, you have been trained, warned, punished, and berated—imprisoned—in the belief that you have no right to a thing unless you work hard for it.
Unless you forfeit your freedom as an individual and “pay” with time and energy in order to be “paid” with money energy in return.
You have many times heard the phrase “the world does not owe you a living.”
And we would say that that idea there is very strange, and very backward.

For “living” is not a thing to be owed or paid, and the world—the current human structures, though they are undergoing the greatest revolution they have ever undergone—was never meant to be a thing for paying or owing.

And so you live out your lives under the shadow of not only this lie, that you must scrape and scrimp and struggle and plan and scheme in order to not end up on the street in your elder years.
所以你生活在不只這個謊言的陰影好幾世, 你必需無所不能, 必需爭扎以對, 才能不致在老年時流落街頭

But you live also under the horrible deception that you do not deserve to do any differently.
你也生活在可怕的欺騙中, 你不值得做任何不一樣的事

That if you are truly blessed, you will live within this prison in a cheerful, comfortable way that compliments your social class and education in a way that makes it apparent to all that, yes!
如果你是個深深被祝福的人, 你會住在充滿快樂舒適的牢籠裏, 大家稱讚你的社會地位與教育

One can truly “get ahead”—as if life were a race—if one applies oneself and plays the game in the right way, having been first born in the right arena to have had a chance at making the game even slightly winnable.
一個人能夠真正超前, 好像生活是場競賽, , 如果一個人全然投入一場遊戲, 走對方向,  起點跑對可以讓這場遊戲贏得稍輕鬆

We would say to this, that that entire premise is so much constructed tokeep you from true wealth, material or otherwise, and to forbid you from ever relaxing and enjoying any wealth you could ever collect, that it is nearly always a self-defeating exercise from beginning to end.
我們想說, 整個架構出來的假設, 把你隔在真正的財富物質之外, 不讓你稍事放鬆, 享受任何你可能可以賺到的財富, 整個架構幾乎從頭到尾都是自我欺瞞的練習

For it is never enough to pay the rent or the mortgage. One must adorn oneself, whether that be with trinkets and objects (usually ones that separate oneself from one’s truest and highest self) or with the fear that though the bills are paid this month, it is doubtful they will be next month.
You see, blessed friends, how two-faced the system is.
你看到的, 受祝福的朋友, 這個系統有多兩面化

The moment you participate, you agree to do so only with fear, or perhaps also a feeling of competitiveness for the more confident or ego-driven among you.
從你開始參與的那一刻, 你同意只以恐懼來從事, 或可能也是一種競爭的心態, 讓內在更有自信或小我驅策

Never are you asked to participate in a way based on joy, on realization of freedom, on belief in your and others’ innate generosity, kindness, empathy, and sense of oneness.
你從來不被邀請參與一場是基於喜悅, 自由, 充份相信自己與他人本有的慷慨, 仁慈, 同理, 與合一的本質

To believe such would be to enter the “business world” (as if it were separate from the world in general) with an unthinkable amount of naiveté and immaturity.
反而是, 以一種無可想像的不成熟, 相信這世界, 進入商業世界 (好像是整體與世界切割開)

Almost as foolish as thinking you do not owe the world your life!
幾乎一樣愚蠢的想法事, 你, 你的生命, 不欠這個世界
We would say, for the many millions of you who have some (though not a great deal of) control over your daily living, that to wake up to this deception is at least the very first step out of being afraid.
我們想說, 對於幾百萬個你們, 控制你們整天的念頭, 一起床發現這項欺騙, 至少正是跨出害怕的第一步
It is the very first step out of feeling that no matter what you do to pay off debts, find a better paying job or better paying clients or more customers, that it is never enough.
正是這第一步走出幻象, 不管你做什麼還債, 找個更好薪水更高的工作, 顧客找更多, 永遠不夠
The first step out of feeling that first you are born, then you watch your parent(s) struggle as you grow up, then you take on the struggle, then you sit sadly in a chair, bitter over the struggle now past, then you leave this Earth, only to return again to repeat the entire cycle.
走出你自出生就有的幻覺, 你看著父母為生活奮鬥, 你也承接這種奮鬥, 然後悲苦坐在椅子上, 然後有一天離開地球, 再回來, 再重覆一遍整個生命的循環

This would be, in and of itself, enough to induce hopelessness in anyone, if it were the full story, but it is not.
如果整個故事就是, 那在任何人身上都是一種無望的形象, 但是, 不是這樣的

Your outlook on this Earth regarding money cannot be made of what your society and families teach you about money, or you will most assuredly suffer from the dysfunction of that insipid lie until you breathe your last or evolve out of the third dimension.
你在地球的全貌不是以你的社會, 家庭教給你有關錢的形象, 或你將很可能很確定因全面失調而受苦, 直到你吐出最後一口氣

Your outlook regarding money must come from without, not within, that irredeemable model of social control, which no one in their right mind would subscribe to if they grew up knowing they had the choice to think differently.

And those being born now will indeed grow up with that choice, and that is a great thing, and something to celebrate.
現在新出生的一群真正能活在新的選擇成長, 這是件大事, 是一件值得慶賀的大事.
Those raised within this old model live within the old sinking ship paradigm, that all is lost, but grab a spoon and work like mad to scoop out as much water from the hull as you can, to delay the sinking as long as possible.
在舊模式長大的人, 乘著要沉的船, 所有正在流失; 而銜著金湯匙長大的, 盡量把越多水舀到他碗裏, 盡可能讓船沉得慢一點

Yet for those raised with the Bad News of capitalism, socialism, communism, and any economic “ism” one can find, there is indeed still a way out.
然而, 對於不管是在資本主義, 社會主義, 共產主義, 或任何一種經濟主義長大的孩子, 我們真得還有另一種選擇

But it does not, ever, first consist of outer action.
但, 首先, 從來跟外在行動沒有關係
It can only begin within your own heart and mind, within that energy that you cultivate in every moment of living.   只能從心與心智開始, 從內在生命每一刻涵養的能量開始

Yes, we are aware that the conventional wisdom (and it is not wisdom) would insist that to better one’s financial situation, one must go out and search for a better job, sell the house, sell the nice car and get a cheaper one, send the teenager out to work, find a spouse with a better income, play the lottery—the choices are endless, and they are each as foolish and useless for your predicament as any other.
現在, 我們瞭解到傳統智慧(雖然它從不是智慧)會堅持它自己的真理, 一個人必需走到外面找到更好的工作, 賣掉房子, 賣掉好車, 找便宜的替代, 送青少年去打工, 找個有錢人嫁(娶), 或玩樂透 - 選擇無限, 每個都一樣愚蠢而無用

Many are now aware, particularly among Lightworkers, that if you do not as they say, “clean up your vibration,” your outer situation will only brighten temporarily once you make an outer change.
很多人瞭解到, 特別是光之工作者, 如果你不清潔淨化你的振動頻率, 你的外在狀況只會在你做外在改變時暫時閃一下

If you continue to blow the trumpet of the same story—“I have no money, I am in too much debt”—you will most assuredly find yourself in that situation continuously, whether someone dies and gifts you a few million dollars, or you sell an amazing new computer application that everyone suddenly wants.
如果你繼續擊鼓述說老故事 - "我沒錢, 我一身都債" - 很確定這情況會繼續, 不管某人死掉, 給你一堆錢, 或你賣了一個很棒人人說好的電腦應用程式

You are, and you attract, what you reflect upon and support with powerful emotion. That is the creation formula for your world.
你是誰, 所以你吸引什麼, 你是誰你會反應與具現最強烈的感覺. 這是你這個世界的創造法則

To not only create but to maintain a position of wealth—inner and outer—one must create and maintain the positive and consistent expectation of wealth, and not only in general.  You must believe you can have it for you, and nothing else.
不只創造也要維持一個財富地位 - 內在與外在 - 一個人必需創造與維持一個對財富正向持續的期待, 而不是大概. 你必需相信你會擁有你要的, 沒有別的.
It is not enough to want money to pay a bill, to give to a child or elderly parent, to dissolve a debt, or to donate to another.
想要有錢付帳單, 想要充份供應孩子, 或年老父母, 還清債務, 或捐款他人都不夠
To have money consistently, rejoice in any money you have, full of the feeling of the miraculousness of wealth and abundance in all forms—the child’s smile, the wildflower, the sound of the rain.
想要持續有錢, 對於你所擁有的一切感到喜悅, 對萬物萬事充滿財富繁榮的奇蹟感, 不管是孩子的笑容, 路邊的小花, 下雨的清脆聲
And maintain a realization of that immense wealth far more often and far longer during your day than you would ever maintain thoughts of need, lack, debt, or financial pressure.
一天當中, 盡量保持一種內在豐盛感, 越久越好, 時間至少長過於你在想你缺乏, 債務或任何的財務壓力
You are, and you attract, what you reflect upon and support with powerful emotion. That is it—that is the creation formula for your world.
你是誰, 你就吸引什麼, 你反應與支持你是誰最強烈的感覺. 就是這樣, 這是你世界的創造法則
It is as true in the third dimension as it is in the fifth. 第五次元也是這樣的創造法則

And please, realize this immense creative power and how to work with it now, before you enter the fifth and begin creating far more than what might be best for you to create!
請瞭解這巨大的創造力, 與如何創造出來, 在你進入五次元以前, 開始創造更多對你最好的創造物

Here is your wealth formula (no expensive program of videos or MP3s required):
I AM wealth. I AM abundance. I AM all the gold, all the joy, all the health, all the fulfillment and all the miracles in this Universe, all of the time.
我是財富, 我是繁榮. 我是閃亮黃金, 所有的喜悅, 所有的健康, 所有的滿足, 所有的奇蹟, 超越所有時間

It is now your “job” to go through the day noticing the miracle of the power and beauty of Nature, at every conceivable chance.
現在, 這是你的工作, 一天當中注意到環遶著你的大自然的奇蹟, 在每個時刻

It is your task to notice the miracle of your health (whatever level of it you now possess), of others’ health, of the health and magnificence of the trees, plants, and flowers.
注意到你身體健康這項奇蹟是你的工作(不管它可能也有點病痛, 總之不管健康的程度到那裏), 注意到別人的健康, 住意到花草樹木的欣欣向榮, 都是你的功課工作.
It is up to you to take the money in your wallet and bless it many times over, saying “Multiply!” as if you are blessing those bills with the power of having many smaller child bills that they will happily allow you to adopt as your own.
要不要隨你, 把鈔票祝福好幾遍放入口袋, 好像給這些鈔票魔力一樣, 這些鈔票會欣然隨你的意.

For this universe is your own! 

You do not “owe” anything to anyone, and never will, and never could. 你不欠任何人任何事, 從沒不曾, 也永遠不會

It is impossible that you need to be “bought and paid for” as one religion puts it, through any sacrificial act or anyone’s loss.
你需要透過犧牲或某人的損失, 被買, 被付費, 是不可能的,

For you are all Creators, all here on a grand journey of thought and feeling and creative expression.
因為你們都是創造者, 在一場思想, 感覺與創造表達的大旅程中
And in the Universe, thought backed powerfully by feeling—in this case, the realization of the miracle of abundance, and its constant presence in your life—is what creates.
在這宇宙中, 想法是被情感支持著的, 在這種狀況下, 豐盛奇蹟的展現與持續性經常性的出現, 就這樣創造出來.

Never believe it is “difficult” to create one form of abundance any more or less than any other.
永遠不要相信創造一種形式的豐盛, 比他人多或少, 是困難
How could this be so, when you have within you the power that creates worlds?
從來就不是這樣, 當你內在有創造世界的力量, 根本無需這麼是這樣
Surely a few hundred thousand dollars or euros are not difficult to create, when you have doubtless in your spare time, in other incarnations, created whole worlds—moons, planets, and the life living on and around them—as joyfully as one creates a song on a guitar?
很確定要創造成千上百歐元是不困難的, 當你毫無疑問在閒暇時, 在其他世, 創造出全全界 - 月亮, 星球, 與其它生物, 就像愉悅創造一首歌或做出一把吉他.

How could it be difficult for an eternal being, made of Love itself, to hesitate and draw back from the very real role of creating that which they desire so much?
一個永恆存在, 以愛做成的存有, 怎麼可能困難到猶豫, 全然從這樣的角色與能力中抽回離呢

You were once forced to abdicate your roles as Creators. But you can reclaim such now.
The time is right, and the Universe awaits your stepping up to reclaim that which you are and are able to do.
We will not waste time here on the subject of who took from you those DNA strands that enabled so much genius in terms of creation and understanding of your natural world, and the makings of this Universe.
We will only say that you need not concern yourself with the madness, the errors, and foolish short-sightedness of those who thought their very short reign would never end. For it has.
Reclaim your mastery—your soul will remember and guide you, once you reach out into space (for there is no Time) to create again, as you once did.
Remember who you are. This substance you call money is only one small component of the endless Energy that fills every speck of this grand Universe.
It is easy to create—you will find this once you stop blaming money as if all were the fault of currency and not the system that perpetuates it.

Do not even blame the system—have no blame for anyone at all! 
Believe in your Creator self, and proclaim everything around you to be good, in all directions of time.
Then see the changes occurring—the new ideas, the new channels of income, the new people whose help you never dreamt of.
And understand that it is not some nebulous notion of angels and chance moments that has made this strange and unbelievable rise in outer abundance in your life.
It is you, Creator friends, it is you.

Copyright 2015, Ascension Times Publishing
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