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LIFE雜誌紀錄, 1969年, 勞伯瑞福的啟動元年(轉自LIFE臉書文章, 翻譯: 喜貓)

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金髮美男, 勞伯瑞福. (這張不帥..)

這張照片拍於1969年他剛買下這塊地, 9年後他成立日舞影展, 日舞, Sundance kid是讓他一夕成名的電影, 虎豹小霸王裏所飾演的角色.... 這塊地後來也改名為日舞.

以下是一位臉友的回應, 覺得他寫出(那個時代)影迷們共同類似的記憶~~尤其是他與保羅紐曼在影壇無可取代的夥伴關係, 兩人的chemistry....

Robert Redford has made a very important contribution to the movie industry through the founding of Sundance and through his own work as an actor, director and producer. Add to that his work to protect the environment. I met him once at Sundance. He was friendly and gracious. I only wish he and Paul Newman had made more movies together. What a perfect combination they were as actors and friends.




He had the requisite looks, charm and talent, but it wasn’t until 1969, when he was in his mid-30s, that Robert Redford truly broke out as a genuine Hollywood player. That year he starred in two very good films (Downhill Racer and Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here) and one hugely entertaining, honest-to-god classic, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

他才華洋溢長相迷人, 但直到1969年, 都已三十好幾了, 才在好萊塢闖出一片天. 這一年他主演了兩部很棒的電影Downhill Racer 與 Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here, 稍後他又主演了一部意外爆紅經典名片虎豹小霸王

Robert Redford with son Jamie, daughter Shauna and two unidentified companions, New York City, 1969.

(Robert Redford with son Jamie, daughter Shauna and two unidentified companions, New York City, 1969. 勞伯瑞福與兒子Jamie, 女兒shauna, 與兩位不知名友人在紐約街頭, 1969年)




As fate would have it, 1969 was also the year that LIFE photographer John Dominis spent a week with Redford as the legend-in-the-making mixed business and pleasure at his homes in Utah and New York, chronicling the days and nights of an increasingly famous man struggling mightily to maintain control of both his private life and his career.

1969年LIFE雜誌一位攝影師在猶他州貼身採訪勞伯瑞福長達一禮拜, 近身觀察這位大明星如何將事業與喜好融合一身創造傳奇; 以及這位日漸受囑目的有名男人如何有力地保有他的公領域與私領域生活

Robert Redford in his agent's office, New York City, 1969.

(Robert Redford in his agent's office, New York City, 1969. 勞伯瑞福在經紀人家 1969年)


At the time, Redford was married to first wife, Lola Van Wagenen. With their kids Shauna and Jamie (their youngest daughter, Amy, would arrive in October 1970), the couple lived for several months each year at a three-story A-frame house they had built themselves in Lola’s snowy, mountainous home state of Utah. During that part of the shoot, Dominis spent a few days trying to keep up as Redford traversed his vast property on horseback, skis and snowmobile.

當時, 他與第一任妻子, 育有小孩Shauna與Jamie, (他們的小女兒艾咪稍後在1970年10月出生). 這對夫妻每年會花數月時間住在Lola位於猶他州, 堆滿雪的山中, 三層A字形小屋. 拍片期間, 攝影師會花數日試圖捕捉勞伯瑞福徜洋在馬背, 滑雪與雪車之間

Robert Redford with his son, Jamie, in New York City, 1969.

(Robert Redford with his son, Jamie, in New York City, 1969. 勞伯瑞福與兒子, 紐約, 1969年)


Only a few of Dominis’ photos made it into the February 1970 LIFE cover story. Here, LIFE.com presents a series of photos—none of which ran in the magazine—from the photographer’s time with the Sundance Kid: Redford on horseback in the Utah mountains; hailing a cab in Times Square; playing with his kids; and always, always taking care of business.

所有貼身拍照的照片,只有數張出現在1970年的LIFE雜誌封面故事. 這裏, LIFE.COM則呈現多張未曾問世的照片. 有幾張是虎豹小霸王拍攝期間的側拍照. 勞伯瑞福在猶他州騎在馬背上. 或在時代廣場招喚計程車, 或與他小孩玩耍, 以及一直一直在努力他的事業的身影Robert Redford with his daughter, Shauna, in New York City, 1969.

(Robert Redford with his daughter, Shauna, in New York City, 1969. 勞伯瑞福與女兒Shauna, 紐約, 1969年)


Dominis’ pictures revealed more than just an actor indisputably on the rise: they captured a new kind of movie star, one who carefully managed every aspect of his career, from creative choices to nuts-and-bolts business matters. For Redford, the reasoning behind his decision to take control of his professional life was eminently practical. 從攝影師的角度看去, 可看到一位一代巨星毫無疑問正在崛起, 他們捕捉到一個新型態的明星範例, 一個很謹慎在管理他事業的每一層面的明星, 從創意發起, 到每個小細節, 都非常認真在處理. 對於勞伯瑞福, 在他每個決定背後的原因都是非常務實的. Robert Redford and his family (his first wife, Lola van Wagenen; son, Jamie; and daughter, Shauna), Utah, 1969.

(Robert Redford and his family (his first wife, Lola van Wagenen; son, Jamie; and daughter, Shauna), Utah, 1969. 勞伯瑞福與他的家人, 第一任妻子Lola, 兒子Jamie, 女兒Shauna, 猶他, 1969年)


“They throw that word ‘star’ at you loosely, and they take it away loosely if your pictures flop,” he told LIFE. “You take responsibility for their crappy movie, that’s all it means. So what I said was, since you say I’m responsible if my name is above the title, then give me responsibility. That’s all.”

"他們隨便丟個明星冠在你頭上, 那天不要了又把這明星光環給取走." 他告訴LIFE雜誌, "你要為整體電影成績負責, 就是這樣. 我要說的是, 既然你說我的名字在上面, 我要負責, 那就給我這樣的責任, 就這樣"Robert Redford hard at work, Utah, 1969.

(Robert Redford hard at work, Utah, 1969. 勞伯瑞福正認真工作, 猶他州, 1969年)


Dominis’ unobtrusive, fly-on-the-wall approach to shooting, meanwhile, suited the star just fine, especially in light of how little time Redford really seemed to have to himself. In New York, for example, he was swamped with details connected to the release of his next movie, Downhill Racer. Even in Utah, a place to which he retreated in order to get away from it all, Redford “engages in endless long-distance discussions with agents, partners and other unfree spirits,” LIFE reported. 攝影師Dominis不著痕跡的拍照方式拍照, 同時剛好很合這位明星, 特別是捕捉到這位明星擁有的時間是那麼地少. 在紐約, 比方, 他被所有下一部片的發片細節淹沒"Downhill". 甚至在猶他州, 是可以躲起來的地方, 他卻要進行與外地經紀人, 合夥人與其他忙碌工作者的長程討論.With the family's cat curled up in his lap at his Utah retreat, Robert Redford takes a break from reading a script.

(With the family's cat curled up in his lap at his Utah retreat, Robert Redford takes a break from reading a script. 猶他州小屋, 家貓埢扶在他的膝蓋, 勞伯瑞福在讀了一段劇本後稍事休息)


There’s no doubt at all, though, that Redford made an impression on Dominis. “He was a real man,” Dominis, now 91 years old, told LIFE.com, recalling his days and nights spent with the actor. “A strong person. I liked him a lot. And he was nice to me, even though he didn’t know me.”

毫無疑問的是, 勞伯瑞福所散發的印象是 " 他是個真實的平凡人". 攝影師Dominis, 現已高齡91歲了, 告訴LIFE雜誌網路組的人員, 想起他與勞伯瑞福日夜的工作, 說"他是個強人, 我很喜歡他. 他人很好, 即使他並不很認識我."

One key aspect of Redford’s appeal for Dominis—a sportsman himself—was the actor’s obvious love of, and respect for, the natural world and the dramatic landscape of the American West. (“Other people have analysis; I have Utah,” Redford once quipped.)

勞伯瑞福受Dominis喜愛有個最主要原因, 他喜歡運動, 常常馳騁在美國西部....

By 1975, Redford had amassed about 7,000 acres of land in Utah, including a ranch, a ski resort, a horse-training farm and a large tract in the Wasatch mountain range. “I’d understand it if someone said it was too much for one man and his family,” he told People that year. “But I don’t think I’m just piling up land the way some men pile up money. I’m collecting space, and space has a very deep meaning for me.” In the coming years, of course, Redford would give much of that land in service to his craft, making it the site of the enormously popular and influential Sundance Film Festival and the nonprofit Sundance Institute.

到1975年, 勞伯瑞福擁有猶他土地約7000畝, 包括: 牧場, 滑雪場, 訓馬場, 以及一大片瓦薩奇山. "我能瞭解如果有人說對於一個人與他的家庭而言, 這太多了", 他告訴PEOPLE雜誌那年的採訪人員. "但我不認為我在囤積土地, 像有人在囤積財富. 我正在收集空間, 空間對於我而言, 意義非凡".  在未來的歲月裏, 當然, 勞伯瑞福把那塊土地很大一部份拿出來, 創立了日舞影展, 與非營利的日舞機構, 讓這一大塊地方非常非常有名...


Liz Ronk, who edited this gallery, is the Photo Editor for LIFE.com. Follow her on Twitter at @LizabethRonk.




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