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重設大腦方程式接收喜悅Rewiring Your Brain to Receive Joy

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ArchAngel Michael: RewiringYour Brain to Receive Joy

AA Michael:

We have asked our channel to send you a message every day until the Revaluation of Currencies takes place.There is much for us to talk with you about, and it is a time of high energiesand high emotions. This also makes it a very good time for learning new ways ofthinking and being.

I want to talk with you aboutthe quality of your relationships - the ones with your loved ones, yourfriends, your boss and your leaders. You have come through thousands of yearsof conflict, disappointment and pain. It has prepared you well for continuingconflict and pain, but not for unconditional, unending Love. This is one of thereasons many on Earth now find it so hard to imagine that we in the higherdimensions do not condemn or punish; it has become inconceivable to your poorbruised egos to imagine that anyone in authority could be so kind andaccepting.

It is not your fault. How couldyou imagine something you have never seen in this lifetime? This is onlypossible if you are living deep inside your heart, and are able to unlearn allthe conditioned responses that have been laid down in the overworkedfight-or-flight patterns in your brain. This is the neurological programming toyour physical body that we are going to help you with now. It is a differentkind of healing - one which will affect everything you feel and especiallyeverything you experience in your relationships.

I will begin with the illustrations of how these patterns in your brain are laid down, and how we see their effects in your behavior. Then, tomorrow, our beloved Sanat Kumara, the one who has been Kathryn's teacher and friend for 40 years, will help you to devise a meditation and a clear pathway to freedom to help you leave behind these handicaps you now carry in your human brain.

We are delighted to have as our channel the one whose work it was to develop and practice these methods overall these years. There are no accidents, are there? We will work with her knowledge base and consult with her was we present these Lessons in Change.

You see, we always work with you in this way too, combining our talents and sensibilities, our wisdom and yours. This is the way we have brought humankind to the place you are now, poised on the threshold of dramatic and triumphant Ascension. There is another profound step toward freedom which you all need to take now. Come with me. I will show you what we see.

The human body is a magnificent creation, developed over eons to be the most adaptable, sturdy "machine" in the Universe for the inhabitation of a soul. Oh, yes,there are other magnificent creations as well, but none as perfectly designed to allow for the expression of the feelings, actions and will of the Creator.

You may be shaking your heads in disbelief, even though you have heard many times that you were created in the image of our Creator. Of course, there are some loose ends to be tied up and some temporary adaptations to be reworked, but on the whole, you are brilliant even in the relatively primitive state of development you are experiencing now.

Do not feel insulted, Dear Ones, as if I were judging you and your own development. This is not what we are now working together to improve. Your beautiful human equipment (not the soul identity you are) is now up for an overhaul, an upgrade, you might say,and we are going to do that together, you and I. This time, you will not turn your equipment over to a doctor or mechanic to fix it. You will be in charge of the level of upgrade you are given, and how you will use it.

I am going to give you a picture of what we see when we look into your brain and your body. It is very easy for us to see the patterns of energies as they are expressed in the cells of your various operating systems in your body. We can read the patterns of light and darkness, colorings and intensities which show up on our"screen" as we observe your actions and the physical response to your feelings.

我要給你個全貌讓你知道我們如何看進你的腦, 你的身體. 對於我們而言, 讀這些能量型態是很容易的, 它們如何在你體內不同系統運作, 如何在細胞被表達出來. 我們可以讀出這些能量陰暗與光明的型態, 包括顏色, 密度, 就展示在我們的螢幕上, 當我們觀察你的動作, 回應情感時的身體反應

This ability to see energy patterns and their effects in the body are the basis for all the new"energy healing" techniques your healers have been developing and using very effectively in recent years. They are discovering how to use the abilities you have as a matter of course in your Higher Self - to bring that awareness down into your body consciousness. It is just one expression of the ongoing evolution of human abilities you are experiencing now.

這種讀能量型態的能力, 以及它們對身體產生的效應, 是新能量治療的基本立正稍息的技能, 你們已有的治療者已經發展出也有效運用著.  他們發現如何運用這些能力, 你也有這能力, 是你的高我帶到你的身體意識中的. 這只是人類進化的表達之一, 你正在經驗體現他.

Let us begin with an example of how living in anxiety has affected your nervous system and therefore your entire body. You can refer to Kathryn's book, "Who Needs Light?" for a full explanation of how emotional patterns from infancy are laid down in the brain and become the superhighway for later emotional responses.

讓我們來舉個例開始這個話題, 比方: 生活在焦慮中如何影響你的神經系統, 以至你的全身. 你也可參考凱特琳所寫的書: 誰需要光? 有更多詳細的解釋, 從嬰孩時代的情緒反應, 如何在腦中留下基礎, 成為日後情緒反應的高速公路.

Imagine our two friends, Dave and Sue. Both had what most people would  think of as a good childhood. They grew up in moderately prosperous suburbs in the U.S. where fathers went to work and most mothers were also entering the work force but still carried much of the responsibility for childcare. They went to school, graduated from high school without any obvious outward trouble, and both attended college before they married and settled down to begin a life of striving to "succeed" in the workplace.

想像這裏有兩位朋友, 大衛與蘇.  兩位都有眾人眼裏很好的童年. 他們生長在美國郊區中上家庭, 父親工作, 母親也工作, 但又身兼照養小孩的責任. 他們讀書上學, 一路平安順利唸到高中, 也繼續大學學業, 最後結婚穩定下來開始生活在職場上拼成功.

Given that both were able to find jobs and bring in enough money to support themselves and their healthy,growing family, you would think they must be happy with their life.Unfortunately, all is not right in their version of Paradise.

兩位都找到工作, 很順利賺了些錢支撐他們與他們的家庭, 你可能以為他們一定很幸福. 很不幸的, 在他們的天堂不是這樣的

Sue feels exhausted and overworked, and often resents Dave's activities apart from the family, when he spends a day playing golf with his buddies or watches long hours of sports on TV while she cares for the children, cooks fo rall of them, and spends her weekends driving to children's activities andrunning errands in between.

蘇覺得非常疲累工作過度, 很討厭大衛沒有參與到家庭的運作, 他可以利用休閒與朋友去打高爾夫球; 或當蘇在照顧小孩時, 為全家煮三餐, 帶小孩參加周末活動, 忙得團團轉之餘, 他可以呆坐沙發, 看一整天的體育新聞

Sue wants to be loving, kind and patient with her children, but she finds herself being short-tempered anddictatorial when the list of responsibilities she shoulders becomesoverwhelming. She loves her children deeply, but finds it difficult to expressher love through gentle tolerance. She feels helpless to change the situation,because all her friends seem to suffer from the same malaise, and theirhusbands are much like her Dave. Sue doesn't want to deprive him of the leisuretime with his friends because she knows it would create resentment toward her,and her position of being economically dependent upon him as the father of herchildren leaves her feeling wary and uncertain.

Sue must hide her feelings ofresentment and jealousy out of fear that she would sound shrewish anddemanding, and she does not want to see herself that way. She knows that thedecision for her to go out to work was partly her own, but now she regrets thehours she spends at a desk doing work she does not particularly like, wishingshe could be at home with her kids without being rushed and stressed out.

Dave is not faring much better.Life is not the beautiful picture he envisioned when he and Sue decided to getmarried. He had great hopes for his success in his work, but the economy hasnot prospered the way he had hoped, and the market for his work has wanedenough to make him feel afraid for the future of his family. He would preferthat Sue not have to work, but the thought of being the sole earner fills himwith dread.

He sees how hard she works, butcannot do what she does very well, and it makes him feel even more guilty andinadequate when he tries to help her out. It makes him feel like a childhimself. He hates the feeling of being overwhelmed, and he does everythingpossible to avoid it. A night out in the bar joking and flirting with hiscoworkers helps, but of course it means he is leaving Sue at home alone to dolaundry and take care of the kids.

He does love his children, andloves to play with them and take them to the park or coach their games, but heis at a loss when it comes to braiding his daughter's hair, and hissqueamishness about diapers and personal hygiene is entrenched. He only wisheshe and Sue could restore the sweet feelings of physical attraction they used tohave, but it is more and more difficult to find time for being intimate. Theyare so often uncomfortable in each other's presence, and leftover smallsquabbles from the day are brushed aside because they can't seem to find a wayto resolve them.

Dave and Sue are skirting theedge of the cliff, living a life of unfulfilled promises which lead toresentment and divisiveness. The more uncomfortable they are with each other,the more their children are expressing it in tantrums, aggressive behavior andsullen pouting. Everyone in this "ideal" family is feeling thestrain.

How do we know the intimatefeelings and thoughts of our beloved human charges? We see the patterns ofemotion light up in their bodies and their brains as they experience their lifechallenges. When Dave calls Sue to tell her he will be late, we see the flashof energy/light flow like lightening from the place in her pre-frontal cortex(forward brain) down through her brain stem, igniting the fight-or-flightresponse which touches off a flood of adrenaline and other hormones which areimmediately released into her bloodstream.

Her heart begins to pound (wecan hear its echo on the airwaves) as she struggles against anger and jealousy,both of which show up in the color of the energy produced in the limbic (feeling/emotional)center of her brain, just forward and below the adult operating center we havebeen teaching you to adapt as your command center. As we watch, we see theflashes of intense energy touching off responses in her body - in her stomach,her solar plexus, her gut, and her lungs. The brain circuit, from just behindher eyes to the limbic system, to the brain stem and downward into her body,engages her adrenal glands, then cascades through her body like a waterfall ofintense energy which her body will need as much as 72 hours to reabsorb andbalance.

In the process, Sue's heart isengaged to pump blood faster to her extremities, to allow her to fight or flee,but the intensity of the adrenaline response does not allow her to engage thedeep feelings of her heart, her Love center. And so she struggles, trying toovercome the anger at being left yet again to shoulder responsibilities sheexpected to share, losing her grip on the gentle comforts of being in love withher partner.

She feels the only recourse totry to calm the rising panic is to take the drug her doctor recommended. Itsubdues her feelings and allows her to float free, disconnected from herfeelings and therefore from her life and the joy it might offer, if she knewhow to access the connections to her heart.

Meanwhile, Dave's brain isgoing through a mirror process. His brain registers first the feelings oflonging for something he cannot quite identify. It is a familiar response whichoriginates close to the hunger centers in his brain, in the hypothalamus, asmall but powerful little gland tucked deep into the lower brain, behind thepalate.

Dave does not know how to findsatisfaction for the feelings of longing he feels, and so he turns to food,alcohol, and a night with friends who will joke and play with him. He does notabsorb the joy which might have resulted from his encounters because thealcohol inhibits the transmission of feelings, but this is not the only reason.The connection from his hypothalamus to his heart is so little used that hedoes not know how to access it. Years of training to "use your head",be "rational" and "control yourself" (meaning suppress yourfeelings) have created a feedback loop within his brain and body which has no outletin his heart.

As he turns to join hisfriends, a momentary wave of shame and guilt floods the limbic centers of hisbrain, lighting up dark purple, with waves of red and orange. This is acomplex, far-reaching response to emotional needs which have gone unfulfilledsince early childhood. As the initial fear-based response floods his body, ittouches off another survival-oriented system which sends energy caroming aroundhis brain to areas which are associated with identity, self-worth, security andwell-being.

In moments of threat to hisprimitive (child-like) feelings of psychological safety, the energy floworganizes into established patterns we would call "ego." We identifythese entrenched patterns by their dark colors and intense, circulatory,repetitive quality. They flash and course around the lower systems of the brainwithout breaking through into the center channel which leads to the center ofthe heart. The heart does indeed beat faster, but it is with fear, and so theliving heart center is not activated. Instead, Dave feels an aching heavinessaround his heart, as energy coagulates rather than flows. This is the beginningof what we see as a "heart condition" in its early stages.

Dave responds by fighting hisway out of the guilty feelings with defiance. His ego kicks in to remind him ofhis right to do whatever he wants since he is an adult (a child's view ofadulthood, originating from his center of focus just behind his eyes), and hefeels a sense of recklessness and abandon which is the closest he can get tofreedom. He feels titillated, daring, and sexually stimulated. He is an affairwaiting to happen. We see wreckage ahead in his life path, and feel the pain ofknowing how these beloved human travelers have suffered in their valiant butunsuccessful attempts to find any kind of real balance or fulfillment forthemselves and each other.

In both Sue and Dave, thedeepest body and brain centers - from the center of your heart to the center ofyour adult brain, to the crown chakra where you connect with us in higherdimensions through the energy channel which naturally runs downward throughyour entire body and into the loving, nourishing Mother Earth - have beendiscredited, denied and nearly obliterated by long years of training and"civilization."

We see your suffering, BelovedOnes, in the darkened colors of your physical body and your aura. The vividpicture of your being reads pain. How could we feel anything but compassion andlove for you? You have braved the rapids of this tempestuous river you calllife. You have come here to learn, to teach and to grow. It is now your time tobe free of these old patterns of pain which, ingrained, create a repetitivecycle which brings further pain.

Now that you have heard andfelt the truth of my description of the cycles of emotion you have been caughtup in, use the picture of your brain and body (there are many available on theinternet) to dislodge old patterns. Create new channels to carry differentsequences of feelings which will light up higher areas of your brain,literally, bringing comfort and love to every nerve ending, every circuit thatfires, every spark of life in your body.

Begin with the true center ofyour physical being, which is your heart. Breathe deeply, concentrating on thecenter of your heart. Let go of your brain entirely, physically. Feel themuscles and nerves ease as you breathe healing oxygen through your restingbrain, directed by your overseeing Higher Self. Your Higher Self has no needfor the thinking parts of your brain right now. No thoughts are needed, justimages of the inside of your head, your living brain, absorbing the sweetenergy of Light to ease and erase all pain.

See the channels which havecarried old images and thoughts of fear, but DO NOT GO INTO THEM. Instead,surround them with Light energy as it flows with the oxygen into your entiresystem. Here is the key: As you renew and cleanse these areas of your brain,especially those that connect with your brain stem where the fight or flightresponse originates, be acutely aware and mindful that you must not re-ignitethem, or your hard work is for naught. It would be like scrubbing your floorstill they are spotless, then walking across them with muddy feet.

This is the reason change is sodifficult. Your "natural" tendency is to immediately re-establish thepain channels and their corollary ego channels which are so familiar, tried andtrue, so to speak. You will catch yourself at it when you hear yourselfthinking about past hurts, unresolved anger and pain. Do not go there! Instead,turn your sights to the Light, connect with me and feel the great Love I havefor you. I offer you the power of my great silver sword and great blue flame tocleanse and release you from all past suffering.

Reach now for the highestvibration you can feel in your heart and soul. Reach for us, Beloved Ones. Feelthe love for yourselves that we feel. Banish all the old feelings that requiredan intense ego response which is always based in fear. Let the warmth ofacceptance, Love and hope wash over you, replacing pain with Joy. You thenbecome the receptacle of Joy that you were meant to be.

It is in your nature, DearOnes, to be happy. You do not have to learn it from scratch. You were born withthe capacity to Love and to communicate with us and with God. Claim yourbirthright now! Let your Light energy fill every pore, every fiber, everynerve. You will feel the light dawning inside your Self! This is your new daydawning, and you will teach all humankind with the example of one who arisesfrom the proverbial ashes, brand new and in Love.

I celebrate you, I Love youeternally, and I await your return to my embrace.

I am your Michael, Archangel in loving service to humankind.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May,PsyD, July 10, 2014, 5 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given inits entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channeland to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

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