“Imagine you are being born and society tells you ‘Welcome, you will be cared for, and asks you what you want to do with your life, what is your calling? Imagine that feeling, that’s a whole different atmosphere “ – Daniel Straub, Co-founder, Basic Income Initiative
想像你出生, 社會就告訴你: "歡迎到此, 你將會被妥善照顧, 應允你想要的東西; 你想要什麼??" 想像那種感覺, 是種完全不同的氛圍...
瑞士在年底很可能通過一個法案, 政府每個月付2500瑞士法郎給百姓(成年人), 不管在職/非在職, 讓百姓沒有生存的後顧之憂, 能心有餘裕, 全心發展自己想做的事, 如何??? 百姓做有建設性的活動, 錢會再回流到經濟動脈中, 感覺能刺激創造更大經濟產值? 是說錢從那裏來? 從瑞士社會保險制度來, 保險制度如何來, 從納稅人那裏來....感覺啟動機是設在企業主身上, 首先他可能需要調高薪資, 拉抬整體薪資水準, 才有充實國庫的條件. 至於, 整個經濟循環要怎麼繞?怎麼走? 比方收受每月2500瑞士法郎的國民, 從此要不要再繳稅? pro and con是怎樣? 想太多細節, 腦筋會打結. 很多當地企業說要認真考慮出走到他國. 或許很多人第一個想法是, 怎麼可以這樣不勞而獲?? 說真的, 這是個很翻新很跳躍的法案, 不管最終通過與否...不過, 瑞士是個先進國家, 經濟穩定程度在歐洲首屈一指, 失業率僅3%, 人口維持在八百萬. 有本錢發動這個法案, 其他國家要這樣玩, 可能第一個月就宣告政府破產也說不定~~以下是完整的原文報導:
Switzerland may start paying every adult (whether they work or not) a salary of over $2000 per month, based on the idea that their citizens will have more time to devote to things they are intrinsically interested in, instead of spending the majority of their time worrying about how they are going to survive, as many individuals with entry level positions find it hard to meet their needs. The income initiative promises every Swiss citizen a living wage , so they can always survive without basic financial worry.
瑞士政府擬通過一項法案, 每個月發給人民(成年)約2000瑞士法郎. 目的是希望民眾能在生存無誤心有餘裕的狀況下從事真正能讓他們心生歡喜的工作, 而不是愁眉苦臉為生存底限在煩惱. 這項方案承諾發給每個瑞士公民一筆生活工資, 不用擔心財務窘況
The 2,500 francs would work out to be an income of 30,000 Swiss francs per year. Statistics released by the European Union in 2002 showed that Switzerland was the third most expensive country in Europe, after Norway and Iceland, to live in. Switzerland currently has a population of 8.02 million people, equivalent to that of large cities such as the San Francisco Bay Area which has a population of 7.15 million. They pay particularly high prices for meat, cooking oil, fish and vegetables. Basic utilities (electricity, heating, water, garbage) are around 200 francs per month, and the average rent of a one bedroom apartment in the city center runs about 1,400 francs.
每個公民每個月發給2500瑞士法郎, 代表每個人一年是3萬瑞士法郎. 歐盟在2002年曾發表一項統計瑞士是歐洲消費第三高的國家, 僅次於挪威跟冰島. 瑞士目前人口數八百萬人, 大約相當舊金山灣區七百萬人口. 每個月花在特別是肉, 烹調油, 魚, 菜特別貴. 光電費, 瓦斯費, 水費, 清潔費, 也要每個月200瑞士法郎, 只有一間臥房的公寓一個月租金是1400瑞士法郎.
“Imagine you are being born and society tells you ‘Welcome, you will be cared for, and asks you what you want to do with your life, what is your calling? Imagine that feeling, that’s a whole different atmosphere “ – Daniel Straub, Co-founder, Basic Income Initiative
想像你出生, 社會就告訴你: "歡迎到此, 你將會被妥善照顧, 應允你想要的東西; 你想要什麼??" 想像那種感覺, 是種完全不同的氛圍...
Parliament was presented with a petition signed by over 100,000 people, proposing to afford every citizen, regardless if they are working or not, a monthly paycheck of 2,500 Swiss francs. To mark the day, a truck full of 8 million five-cent coins was deposited on the square and spread out in front of the Swiss Parliament in Bern, supporters gathered around and spread the coins out using shovels. A typical fast-food worker in the US earns roughly $1,500 per month. Anything less than that specified amount of 2,500 francs, would be deemed illegal, even for people working in one of the lowest paid jobs.
有超過十萬民眾聯合簽署提到議會的方案, 提議政府提供每個公民, 不管在職非在職, 每個月2500瑞士法郎. 為了造勢, 民眾準備一卡車裝滿八百萬個五分錢硬幣投注在廣場, 撒在議會廣場前.
A date for the vote itself is yet to be confirmed, however, it could take place before the end of this year, depending on the decision of the Swiss government. The money to fund the measure would likely be supplied by the Swiss social insurance system, so in other words it would be taken from taxpayers. We know that the government has no money itself, everything that it gives to others it must first take from others or print it out of thin air. But, are individuals who receive these funds going to be participating tax payers as well? If not, is it safe to assume that the more individuals who rely on this system, and the fewer who are contributing and fueling it, the more unlikely it is to run out of funds? Is this only possible due to Switzerland’s low population and impressive bank profits?
投票表決的日子尚未決定, 但會看瑞士政府的決定在今年年底前完成. 發給百姓的錢屆時從那裏來? 從瑞士社會保險制度中提領. 換言之, 其實錢是從納稅人而來. 政府沒有這筆預算, 錢一定有個來處. 有個問題是, 收受生活工資的百姓到時也會是納稅人嗎? 如果不是, 用錢的人, 注入錢的人少, 這套玩法玩得下去嗎? 而且只有瑞士這個國家可以這樣玩? 因為他們人口數少, 銀行利潤可觀.
This new system will force business owners to pay their workers a certain wage, regardless if their labor is considered worth less than the stipulated amount. This idea aims to set the minimum standard of living higher, and that is admirable. But this might prompt business owners to take their company elsewhere, to where they have more freedom over the decision of what wages they are going to pay. Of course this would also mean they get no cut whatsoever of the Swiss market. And on the other hand, the new income may also allure new business owners to the country in looks of attracting those new consumers. One prominent CEO in Switzerland has stated that if the measure passes, he would seriously contemplate moving his company out of the country: “I can’t believe that Switzerland would cause such great harm to its economy,” Glencore CEO Ivan Glasenberg told the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation.
這套新方案會迫使企業主付一定薪資給員工, 讓基本生活水準再拉高一點. 原意很好. 但也可能趕跑企業主, 將公司遷到能讓他們自由做決定的地方. 同時, 新水平的薪資可能吸引新企業主到這裏吸引新的顧客. 一位有名的瑞士CEO說一旦這項方案通過, 他會認真考慮移往別的國家.
The unemployment rate currently remains at 3 percent in Switzerland. Switzerland is arguably one of the most stable economies in the world. The nation has built the reputation of having some of the most friendly laws toward foreign investors. Will this measure make more money flow, by putting liquidity in the hands of those more prone to putting it back in the economy, or will it drive investors away and cause the Swiss economy to stumble? -
瑞士的失業率一直保持在3%, 經濟狀況之穩定在歐洲首屈一指. 友善的法律一向鼓勵外資, 這項給予百姓生活工資的新方案, 倒底會創造更多的現金流, 正面回饋到經濟榮景? 還是把投資客給趕跑不小心打壓到經濟?