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2008-06-09 16:48:06| 人氣119| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Why? 其他产油国的油价相对与大马的油

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Comparison of the Our Oil price with other OIL PRODUCING countries

Venezuela – RM0.16/litre
Turkmenistan – RM0.25/litre
Nigeria – RM0.32/litre
Iran – RM0.35/litre
Saudi Arabia – RM0.38/litre
Kuwait – RM0.67/litre
Qatar – RM0.68/litre
Bahrain – RM0.87/litre
Eygpt – RM1.03/litre
UAE – RM1.19/litre
Brunei – RM1.22/litre
MALAYSIA – RM2.70/litre
We had paid the fuel subsidy in advance.

台長: 孩子魚
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