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2008-02-27 21:26:53| 人氣44| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

the week i lived alone

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Hohoho, the days are passing so fast.
Suddenly, today is the third day which is also my busiest day of work and freezing again!

Well, it’s not the first time i lived by myself. The feeling living alone is somewhat interesting and...boring. haha, once i can get rid of my problems of eating, it would be much better. And i cooked tonight. Well...not bad though!

Good to know tomorrow is a national holiday, Feb. 28th! Actually, it’s a ”Thursday” holiday...how should i spend it? Having lunch with college classmates? Hanging out with friend? Staying home seeing movies? Going swimming? Going climbing? God knows what I’ll do!

Let’s talk about these days...
A cup of coffee this Monday, another cup of coffee yesterday, a cup of milk and coffee today. Wow, since when does my life full of caffeine?! Since when is my every single night so fucking rush?! And since when did I start to browse through the foreign web pages which I hated to. Can anyone tell me why does my life get so new?

Hmm!There’s only one thing that i strongly realize, I WANNA KEEP IN TOUCH WITH ENGLISH!!

Few days ago many images about THE PAST jumped out to me.Hoho...so memorable, weren’t they?!

台長: 有機哈密瓜
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全站分類: 興趣嗜好(收藏、園藝、棋奕、汽機車)

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