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2008-10-17 09:33:09| 人氣92| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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        Today, our drama class went to A.C.T(American Conservatory Theater.) in San Francisco. We have lots of fun today. I've been Fremont Bart at 8:30. There was only 6 people. Our teacher told us we will meet at 8:45 on the back of the bart. So we wait and wait until they came. We went in the train at 10:00 or something...lol. Go to San Francisco from Fremont need almost 1 hour. So we got there like 11:00. Somebody's ticket was not working. It said underpaid, then said see agent. So stupid. After we all went through the machine. We went to A.C.T. We were choosing partners. We got 4 people in a group. We followed the teachers to go to Macy's. It was like a mall, a big mall. We went to downstairs to find something to eat. Andrew and I had two pizzas. And then we went to " Jamba Juice." I drank a " Mango-A-Go-Go with vitamins." It was like a mango juice. After we finished the lunch, we was wondering the mall. We had to go back the theater before 12:30, but we got the theater 12:35. Sounds like we were late. We went in the theater, I said:" Oh..wow...this theater is so big." It was big. And then the play started. The play's names "Rock "N" Roll." It was fun, I like it. We had a intermission, then we went to downstairs to buy stuffs, drink water, and restrooms. After we finished taking a breaks. We went back to our sits. After we finished the play. We finished the play at 3:40. My group wanted to go to Starbucks. Andrew and I drank Cappuccino. After we bought all of the stuffs what we wanted to buy. We met in the bart at 4:15. Somebody was trying to get in, but the machine said see agent. And then we have to wait. Finally, we got in the bart and then we went back to Fremont. Our group played cards on the train.We got Fremont at 5:10. Somebody was trying to get out of the bart. But machine said see agent. And I said shit! We spent 20 min trying to get out. And then everybody came out. My dad came to bring me home. Finally, I got home. Feel's good.

台長: 丁丁
人氣(92) | 回應(5)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

你不想活了是吧!? 敢和老子烙英文 小心我打爆你的頭ˋ口ˊ
2008-10-17 19:16:11
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2008-10-18 06:01:00
哇靠 很邱阿 我單手讓你啦 讓你看看什麼叫做力王
2008-10-18 21:15:41
2008-10-19 07:15:07
閃王是吧 我拿AK47 看你怎閃 除非你是駭客任務(能在屁一點阿)
2008-10-19 21:53:49
2008-10-19 23:54:59
2008-10-19 21:54:22
2008-10-19 23:55:34
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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