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2006-08-18 11:57:04| 人氣63| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I need more confidence to do something.

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I know that we didn’t have a quarrel nor break up either. We just take it slowly to know each other more. But I just can’t stop my tears from dropping. (Even in the morning) I think it’s because that I’m afraid. I’m afraid of losing you, the man I trust. And a nice man, truly.
I should have been happy that you can tell me what you think about. And I hope that you can be happier by doing so. I don’t want to make you confused and unhappy. Thank you for your maturity and consideration.

Pause. Change the scene. And “action”.

It’s good for us. And it makes me have more confidence in our future. No matter what kind of relationship we will have.
I’m grateful for everything you do for me. By the way, the small guitar with my name is beautiful.

Picture: I couldn’t sleep at night and want to write down my feeling. But I couldn’t find any paper. So, I wrote down the words on the toilet paper.

台長: 透明吉他手
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