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2007-08-30 11:42:17| 人氣19| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Lyrics:Jascha Richter Music:Jascha Richter

In my search for freedom

and peace of mind

I’ve left the memories behind

Wanna start a new life

but it seems to be rather absurd

when I know the truth

is that I always think of you


Someday someway

together we will be baby

I will take and you will take your time

We’ll wait for our fate

cos’ nobody owns us baby

We can shake we can shake the rock

Try to throw the picture out of my mind

try to leave the memories behind

Here by the ocean

wave’s carry voices from you

Do you know the truth

I am thinking of you too


Someday someway

together we will be baby...

The love we had together

just fades away in time

And now you’ve got your own world

and I guess I’ve got mine

But the passion that you planted

in the middle of my heart

is a passion that will never stop

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