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2006-03-06 22:51:55| 人氣62| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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See the movie" munich" yesterday.

During the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, eleven Israeli athletes are taken hostage and murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group known as Black September. In retaliation, the Israeli government recruits a group of Mossad agents to track down and execute those responsible for the attack.

In the wake of 1972 Munich Olympic tragedy, the Mossad retaliates by deploying a team of agents(led by Avner(Bana)) in Europe to assassinate Palestinian terrorist leaders suspected of planning the attack, which left eleven Israeli athletes dead.

"hatred could not brings anything but hatred." The sayign roaring in my mind after finish watching the film.

In accordance to book, there is two type of War - limited and unlimited. For limited one, it follow the great saying in "On War" - " war is only the continuation of politics" War exists because of a specific means, and finish when the objetives is achieved. For unlimited, the war would not ended until all is consumed and a total collapse of a single side.

Not many would wish to gamble for all or nothing in a single bet. the bet itself controls it. the gamble control the mind and investment. So is War. We have no control over the war and the killing itself.

Killing leads to revenge and revenge leads to more killing. This spiral never cease and thus killing stops nothing. The only form of killing that deter people from killing is the death penality which no retaliaton would be allowed.

Law, if not backed by unpreceeded military power or policing power could not be upheld. And this film also make me think twice about the role of country. We join together as a country is for our identity, for protection and for welfare. People wants to be in a group, want to be recognised and want to be protected.

but in the end, who protects the country in the field? - the soldier which is the citizens.
but in the end, who didn’t recognise the people in secret service? - the governemnt which representing the country
But in the end, who didn’t bring any good to the people they honored so well but without usage? the country.

The relationship between country and people is both upward and downward. The country depends on its people and vice versa.

Suddenly realized the proverb from J.F. Kennedy " don’t ask what you take from teh country , but ask what yougive to the country".

But what if the country is doing thing in a wrong method? According to the declaration of independence :

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness"

But as teh character would have the chance as it’s his duty to keep the mission secret and the government would not recognised - he go exiled. No lawful rebellion would be given to people of secret services and most of the time, they are scarificed.

The main character left the country and return to the hold of his family.

The question remains - Country first, family first or ourselves first?

Maybe it’s situational, but when the call comes, would you accept it?

(scrubble - unused idea)
We have the organisation to protect us and in the other way roudn , we protect the organization

A country could not exist if there is no people, but people exist without country

The existence of the country is because of the need for security , welfare and identity. This function of the family is nearly identical, but with one more function - to breed.

The vital function of all organization is the same, to protect and to survive.

The family served as the backbone of the country.

the tie between a governemtn and its people differ on different form of governance

People first or the country first?

the country stand to protect its people using a method that could not protect its people.

A person killing to serve the country but indeed harm the people.

A person final destination should always be his home.And where is mine?

When duties calls , we serve.
When we calls, who serve.

the three pillar for a government to stand- the recognition form people, the formality of the constitution, the record of the governement.

台長: Golem


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