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Sunny Day

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Roger Taylor-Sunny Day

專輯:Fun on Earth

作詞、作曲:Roger Taylor

In a heartbeat I realised, saw through your disguise:
how could anybody be so beautiful?
Stopped in my tracks, got a big time shock
my captured heart just would not stop.
How could anybody feel so wonderful?

You walk down the street, your hips away, yeah.
Cars crash, traffic stopsm i had to look away
where you are in the world.
It's a sunny day, oh yeah!

Shout from the rooftops, tell the town,
the sun is up, let's fool around,
how could anybody be so beautiful?
Together we could learn to fly.
How could anybody feel so wonderful?

You're walking down the street,
your hips away,
car crash, traffic stops, I have to look away where you are in the world.
It's a sunny day,
(Oh yeah), play it!

In a heartbeat, yeah, oh I knew,
how could anybody be so wonderful?
In a heartbeat, one look and I knew,
how could anybody feel so beautiful?

台長: Shalott
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