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2008-12-15 13:37:06| 人氣325| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Value yourself. The only people who appreciate a doormat are people with dirty shoes.


Before you from a relationship , ask yourself if there are things about the other that you can't stand.

If there are, ask yourself if you would be able to live with these things forever.

If the answer is"NO" then leave it alone.


Write down all the reasons why you love each person you relate with.

Then, when the going gets touch, take the list out and reread it, it resolves problems quickly.


Don't be afraid of disaggrements and argements, the only people who don't argue are people who

don't care of care dead.


Exercise feelings. Feelings have meaning only as they are expressed in action.


See all criticism as postivive for it leads to self evaluation. You're always free to reject itself it is unfair

or does not apply.


Learn to listen. You don't learn anything from hearing yourself talk.


Expect what is reasonable, not what is perfect..


Don't allow anyone to put you on a pedestal.  It's to easy to fall off.


Stop playing  games. A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness.


What a grand feelings to have a relationship with someone who is loved only by you., but by many,

That means  you have made a good choice.


Relationships are not sporting events. Stop wrestling for control. No one win this  kind of mach

except divorce lawyers.


Perhaps it's not too bad to do some things you'd rather not if it makes another happy.


Don't fall in love with love, you will drown in its complexities.


Be polite. Love doesn't give license for rudeness.


Don't allow your relationship to die or neglect.




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