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2006-06-23 06:09:28| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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From has not thought
Our temperature
Gradually gives off heat thought continuously
I am your consultant
You are my friend without hesitation
On had such recognized works as the friendship sublimation
Wants to change actually not changes laughs out loud specially Because did not only think is sadyou to jump in the fill enticement in the hole
I to jump in fills orphaned sorrow in the hole your I not to be able to crawl
The abyss not stops spreads crawls the full cane
Only is the addition is the time or the distance
Leaves behind too many blanks
Should not have the anticipation true feelings public statement
Is only the injury heartless words which increases steadily
Only was the infinite series accumulation on lets pause happily like this each other heart once caring about
Once has nowadays confessing
Present support already foot enough.

台長: Syu
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