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2007-04-06 13:41:14| 人氣69| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Do you need an interview before you in love with someone?

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I have just finished my Human Resource few days before.
In my opinion, HR is a very interesting subject. In fact, everybody needs it!

The main topic of my mid-term is interview since we needed to go through two articles which are related Interviewing process, traps and technical skills.

One of the key points that about interview was pointed out by my lecturer, “If the interviewee has good performance in every aspects, and no weakness has showed out, then you need to be careful, perhaps, he/she is pretending something.” It sounds wire, but that happens.

It makes me also doubt that should we apply this concept in love?
When two persons gathering together, having good feeling with each other, they will begin to observe the other’s behavior, check if he/she has the willingness to gathering together, then to see if other is good enough to be your lover, you can get your answer in different aspects, like the personality, family, position, educational background, economic condition, even national, religion, etc. A lot of information can be considered before two persons in love. However, is it possible for us to discriminate people in love?

Moreover, if someone performs good condition in every aspect, does it mean something wrong with him/her? In this case, no excuse for you to reject this person, however, you will really feel uneasy to accept him/her.

Chosen a bad lover even worse than chosen a poor employee, you can fire your employee; can you fire your lover and ignore your love?

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台長: Aggie>>>Gila
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