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2004-03-29 22:49:00| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Add Oil, Ning Ho

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Hi Ning Ho,
Sorry to talk in this discussion board so late...
I am sorry to hear about your grandmother's news...but don't be so sad and remember to add oil to your life !!
Always think about the good things that you still possess, because these are things that you can feel happy with...
Also, think some positive and happy things la...if you don't mind, you can call us out together ga...

I am sure there have a lot of people want to share about your own feelings...as you are so easy-going person that i feel....
The world have to move on...also you have to move on !!

Add Oil!! Take care!! God bless you and your family!!


台長: 五個有趣的人
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