在E心目中,我也許還是一個 little girl。也許是因為,在他面前,我總會流露內心最純真的一面,毫無保留地。
每次跟E提及到做決定的問題,E總是跟我說 :”You are an adult now, you can make a rational decision. You have your demand,but you also need to consider the practical situation,economics ability, acceptable limit of your satisfaction. You need to make a balance....Tomorrow is another day. There is still hope. We all know it is not easy, but if we all do not have dream,then life is dark. Dream is dream, may not really but better than no hope.”
他也常常擔當”魔鬼”的角色,告訴我殘酷的現實和現實的殘酷 : ”......Life is a battle, now please remember that you are fighting for survive. Whatever you are an adult, you have your own mind. If you do not think in practical, no one can help....Sometimes i may speak like a bit non-humanity....but i concern your life and if you live well,ba...”