Dear Jeff/Kevin,
We are still struggling with jetlag, mom seems better but mine is keep on dragging…it is incredible as I only experienced mild jetlag at the very first day after we landed. Maybe because we need to work so hard to get everything done when I am in New York therefore my adrenaline is always in hyper situation, if we are under the gun of tense situation, we believe we will not be less subtle such as jetlag or gourmet., etc.
Mom is pleased to meet both of you again in New York, she has visited your school and check out the place where you live and daily life what to expect., etc. I think this trip was a good one. We also so happy that Jeff’s delicate skin is getting better now as if his skin can not withstand the dry weather system, then he will irritate the skin, as a result, it will be very annoying while having something like skin allergy which will not help us focus especially for study wise, it will be pain in the ass.
We received your student report from school after we returned to Taipei, I think both of you did a great job, I also see both of you definitely can do better as the very first two semester is orientation stage, I think it might take a year to fit this place. Anyway, do your best to achieve your goal, you both are very fine boy, you made us very proud to be your parent. Time is precious, do not put too much time on facebook or any social media network but you can try to log on LinkedIn network in the future.
If you addict to the social media then it will consume your time to learn something more…glad to learn you are watching CNN and USA today now, the only way you can be more naturalized is read their newspaper and watch their news channel then you will know more about their life, you can easily pick up the tempo of their life.
Nothing is easy especially at beginning stage, we have invested big chunk of money for both you experience better education (more open minded and inspiration ), I am sure you will not waste the benefit you can get when you are in States. I have pretty much wrap up the apartment where we would like to give a shoot, I think we can move forward as soon as I got clear answer from IRS about alien taxation for the inheritance tax, I think if they don’t have jurisdiction for this kind of tax, but anyway, we will let you know our final decision.
Our family are belong to four of us, we will discuss with both of you for anything we would like to do because you are about to share the responsibility of this family now…feel good, isn’t it? 