yay its my third time blogging XDD
currently, im downloading lots of screensavers :D i always have these impulsive urges to downloads lots of of the same thing. first it was cute icons. and then it was cute desktop wallpapers. lol if you're looking for both go to this site : www.pixelgirlpresents.com
and yes, now, its screensavers. lol i am going to run out of disk space too soon.
today was an ok day. did okk on my apush essay. YES no more C's!!! i am over and done with C's :)
orchestra was close. thank god she stopped testing the scales when she did. lol i would have died. like how some people died today. like how jerry died today. yes that would have been me, if i had tested. hate B major. ohh and i also forgot my shoulder rest today so for the whole class i was trying to keep my violin stable. but it kept slipping off of my neck ><
then it was flex. we got a free period in cook's class...which was basically study hall under cook's supervision. to be honest, i thought this was a waste of time. if we were to have a free period, might as well have it in the study hall room...if we have flex, might as well do some practice. but i would have much rather dozed off in class than work my brain to analyze information. blehh hate dbqs
and then after flex i had this strong urge to go to english, cause that was what i usually have after apush. but i had chinese. EW chinese quiz. T.T this was the longest quiz we hadddd and it was hard . stupid definitions
bioo lol we made our own proteins with polypeptide chains of amino acids. lol it was fun folding the protein up into clump up werid shapes XDDD i lovve bio. like last time's dna extraction lab, todays class was fun. if only it wasnt so intense with so much info. but ms. keigley is cool. she repeats and repeats till you get it. but we have a test on friday DX its like my test week this week. i STILL dont get why teachers lovee to cramm every single test on the SAME DANG WEEK><
i have a fit or fat quiz, a moby dick quiz, (already had a chinese quiz) , a math test and a bio test this week. thank god apush essay test got pushed back to next monday. i would have died. lol
WHOAAAAAA THIS was longer than expected. i just thought i would try to note down my daily life and schedule ,and yes i am following maureen's footsteps XD
but i still need to find out how to make my own banner and backgrounds
gotta go lots of hw. ><
i dont even have time to watch anime now blehh
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