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Mr. Right/Mr.Left

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我是左撇子 lefty
所以我的那個一定要叫Mr. Left
今天郵箱裡收到 Are you ready for V day?
然後受刺激就點進去看了看 吼吼
看看測試結果 my Mr. Left

Mr. Right-His personality

What are you really looking for?
Your ideal match is warm, knowing and isn’t afraid to go after his goals. He tends to be patient with people, too. And if that isn’t enough, he pretty much sets the standard for emotional health by being filled with positive feelings and energy - energy he radiates out onto those around him.

Is he a rare breed?
Approximately 12% of men have that exact personality type. Another 11% are similar to the type you’re looking for.
吼吼 看樣子 我喜歡的男人還不是很大眾化 這樣比較好 比較好

What makes him different from other men?
It’s that your ideal man prefers to be dependable and is unusually confident.
Who’s your competition?
About 15% of women your age are after the exact type of man you are. And 12% of men have that personality type.
還好 喜歡這型男人的女人也不多

看看我 那必須魅力型 哇哈哈~
What do people see in you?
You’re open-minded, extroverted and independent. You’re very free-spirited and are also probably fairly liberal in your views. You’re like a magnet for love and affection - people just seem to adore you. And, thanks to that healthy dose of self-confidence, you’re unusually flexible.
看見沒 新時代知性女神 吼吼~~

How do you compare to others?
You’re highly unique, as only 8% of women your age have the same personality type. Another 9% have personality types similar to yours.
多好 我喜歡unique這個詞 大眾頭簾就算了 性格還是unique好點哈

What will men notice about you?
It’s the extent to which you are adventurous confident easygoing materialistic that sets you apart from other women your age.

Do men like your type?
12% of men are looking for your exact type. Another 50% are looking for someone highly similar to your type.
哇哈哈~~ 看看 看看 需求量還挺大的嘛 銷路不錯
What do men like about your type?
Men like the extent to which you’re confident.

The research indicates that men are most drawn to your confidence and dependability.

How do you and your ideal match compare?
Overall, you prefer men who are very similar to you. Here’s how you and your ideal partner compare on 4 important dimensions of personality.
這部分是圖 沒有截下來 算啦

Now, what about your sex life? Who are you looking for? Read on!
噢噢!!天啊 好大的篇幅介紹 羞羞...討厭~ 哈哈(小彘經典之討厭篇)

Who’s the right match for you sexually?
Your ideal sexual partner is a very passionate person who knows how to fully enjoy sex. He has a highly active sex drive and imagination when it comes to trying new sexual moves. And these characteristics set him up for having intense and pleasurable sexual encounters that bring him much satisfaction -- even if they don’t include orgasm. More than most people, he knows how to value the pleasures of sexuality and is not afraid to pursue those feelings when the timing is right.
喔... 該說點甚麼呢 嘿嘿

What makes your ideal man different when it comes to sex?
It’s that he likes to experiment during sex.

What’s your sexual type?
You have a strong, healthy, interest in the physical pleasures of sex. You’re interested in everything from seduction through to experimenting with what feels most pleasurable to you. You are secure with your sexual abilities, but you’re not the type to boast about them. You, more than others, need to feel that sexual experiences are ways of connecting emotionally with your partner. To get maximum sexual pleasure, you need strong emotional connections to your partner as well as a physical compatibility.
那得等啊... 怎麼地你得先給我個人是不 光說有甚麼用

How common are your sexual likes?
Your unique combination of sexual traits is shared by approximately 11% of all women who have taken the TrueMatch test. What separates you from other women your age is the pleasure you get from connecting emotionally with your partner during sex.
不會吧 連性趣都unique?
當然要emotional connection了 女人誒 又不是光用下半身思考的動物

What do men see as your biggest sexual turn-on?
Men will be most attracted to how important good orgasms are for you during sex.

V day

台長: 泡沫
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