1号 回来
2号 已经不记得做了些甚麼
3号 中午 与chick 小彘 德强吃了煎锅 吃的很撑
下午 折腾了很久在网通 交了钱 却被告知星期一才会开始安 感觉被骗了 气了一个小时
晚上 和绵羊去上网 一上线嘟嘟嘟嘟出来了好多人 绵羊问 你是知心姐姐吗 吼吼 任务栏不停闪烁的聊天对话框把自己都吓坏了 买了第三期校园版女友
4号 和大脸见面
买了个狗背包 她说需要把脸挡上背 20好几的人装嫩别被认识人看见
中午在步行街新开的阿郎烤肉店大脸请我吃了烤肉 环境很不错 好吃
在新柳喜欢了一条泰国手织围巾 可是飞行员同志对大脸说 你看没看过我的父亲母亲?......
给晓寧挑了白帽子白手套 看帽子看得这个冬天都不想再看见卖帽子的了 吼吼
对了 在大脸介绍的一个女人店裡 我们淘得四件无袖T恤 共...(吓死你)共...20元...
去了乐购 还是这麼虚假繁荣 竟然看见高木直子的绘本 可惜只有这第二本《一个人住第五年》争取下次把第一和第三本也买到手
我的老毛病又犯了 甚麼都必须完全才心安
大脸买了那家好吃的散装糖葫芦(一提这个口水就出来了)往家那边走 好吃
聊的开心 於是找个碰碰凉买个蛋糕继续聊 老闆不乐意了 这俩人嘮起来没完了
於是我们又走 到超市聊 买了5袋康师傅那个粗粮消化饼 高兴 阜新都没卖的 继续聊
最后乾脆坐到了加州牛肉面裡吃面 聊聊聊 服务员态度真好 看这俩人疯疯癲癲也不赶我们走
好像一直笑个没完 和初中的我们有何异样?
晚上给晓寧写了封信 封了盒子
在贝塔斯曼的盒子裡拿出来了很多以前买过的东西的单子 自己再看都惊觉 买的真不少 有些都已经不记得了
充实的一天 没学习
5号 邋遢形象 阴天
去申通快递 看样子淘宝上的快递都很便宜 这样的包裹都是15 淘宝还是很好的有些卖家
买了狗链 看到人家的雪纳瑞 喜欢的不行 我就摸呀摸 真好看
甚麼时候我也要一隻雪纳瑞 漂亮 温和 圆圆的鼻子
上网 饿了 去吃春饼
等了半天才把大头等来 这傢伙烫了大卷 小样 我就觉得你有新情况 等我发现再 让你不告诉我 哼
6号 晴天 对於自己的邋遢无法再忍 洗了脑袋
然后网通公司的人就来安了网 真是开心 世界上还是好人多吶 把他的设备借给了我 这才得以上网来猖狂
今儿又做一遍IQ test 英文版的 看这些题看得兴致勃勃趣味昂然哈哈
比去年高了3分 看样子再有14年我的智商就可以达到满分180了!^_^哈哈
结果显示我是个Visionary Philosopher
一开始看成visual 我还琢磨呢 我的眼睛又近视又闪光 怎麼能视觉型哲学家呢?纳闷了
后来再一看 原来我是个空想派 这还靠点谱
再查查 我是个有预见性的哲人???a visionary person: imaginative, creative, inventive, ingenious, enterprising, innovative; insightful, perceptive, intuitive, prescient, discerning, shrewd, wise, clever, resourceful; idealistic, romantic, quixotic, dreamy.
好 我喜欢 原来我这麼有潜力 和plato柏拉图一个类型
其实说来 我也并不喜欢plato这个男人 成天空想些甚麼问题 他不就是说谈场精神恋爱麼 那肯定是异地恋 要是在一个屋裡 美色当前 我肯定扑过去 别拦我
做这个测试一个好处就是 你会有假象 天我原来这麼神童我这麼天才!我就是爱因斯坦了!
可能大多做这个测试的都是外国人 他们的数学实在太烂 把我烘托出来了
不过看到底下那个图我还是很高兴 那可是top区哇 哈哈
当时接近140的底下还有个小红箭头 你又会不由得想 哇 太牛了!(為甚麼说人厉害要用牛 羊不行吗 狗不行吗 下次我就说 哇!您太猪了!——我是不是得挨揍如果这样...)
晓寧说收到了快递 这快递真快 嗖一下子
其实想想 也没那麼快 如果我坐火车去送昨晚她就能收到了
嗯 结论是 快递也不快嘛

Your IQ score is:
You scored 138 on Tickle’s IQ test. This means that based on your answers, your IQ score is between 128 and 138. Most people’s IQs are between 70 and 130.
In fact, 95% of all people have IQs within that range. 68% of people score between 80 and 120. The following chart to your right, shows these percentages and where your IQ score is on that scale.
There’s more to intelligence than a single number, a single score or a single label. Tickle uses four distinguishable Intelligence Scales in the Ultimate IQ Test. By analyzing your individual scores on those four scales, we are able to look beyond the raw IQ score into how you process information and thereby determine your Intellectual Type.
Your Intellectual Type Is:
Your mind’s strengths allow you to think ahead of the game — to imagine or anticipate what should come next in just about any situation. Because you’re equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with great ideas. The timelessness of your vision and the balance between your various skills are what make you a Visionary Philosopher.
In addition to your strengths in math and linguistics, you have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns. These skills and your uncanny ability to detect the underlying blueprint of most of life’s situations add to your Visionary Philosopher mind.
Two philosophers who share the same combination of skills you possess are Plato and Benedict Spinoza. Spinoza had insight into how things worked in the world. He could envision a future based on the patterns he saw in life, and used mathematical logic as a structure within which to present his philosophical arguments. With that base he was able to use logic to formulate his theories. Borrowing from his linguistic strengths he wrote eloquent texts and, therefore, was able to bring his philosophical ideas and structure to the rest of the world. His story exemplifies the talents that are present in the Visionary Philosopher intellectual type.
Whatever you decide to do in life, you’ve got a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a wide variety of ways. You can expand your mind to understand a situation. Your strong balance of math and verbal skills will help you explain things to others. For example, if you were on an archaeological dig and discovered an object, you could probably use your deductive powers to figure out not only what the object was but also how it was used. Given your ability to put things together, you are more than capable of inventing a life plan that is in synch with your perspective on how things were, how they are, and how they might be one day.
Great Jobs For You
Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel:
‧ Archaeologist
‧ Detective
‧ Psychologist
‧ Sculptor
‧ Architect
‧ City planner
‧ Chief executive
Some of Your Greatest Talents
You’ve got tons of strengths. It wouldn’t surprise us if you:
‧ Think of the ”big picture”
‧ Can anticipate and predict patterns
‧ Are good at context clues
‧ Can see similarities in seemingly disparate things