結束倫敦中國城巡禮後,想趁著豔陽天到河邊看看,於是沿著Charing Cross Road 南下,這一帶有好幾家中型的書店,夾雜在形形色色的櫥窗中讓人對倫敦還有文化城市的期望。想到書店,就會聯想起在美國LA 旅遊時Long Beach Hotel 附近有一個好大的書店,只有兩層樓版,每一層樓確有七八公尺以上的高度,中間又挑空,米色的牆面在燈光襯托下散出溫暖,原木色的書架承載知識的芳香,在裡面看書有那種無拘無束,像飛鳥沒有壓力,可以放任心靈隨著作者營造情節遊走的快感。
人聲嘈雜的馬路上,原本已經自動退化消音的聽力,被遠方看不見來源的咚咚鼓聲再次開啟運作。左顧右盼的眼睛飄啊飄,終於在Leicester Square找到淹沒在圍觀人潮裡的非洲街頭表演團體。在一旁聽音樂的節拍,全身的肌肉跟著隆隆戰鼓一起跳動著,腳不自主的打起拍子,手拍著大腿,連心跳也怦怦的加速追趕起來。
AM 11:25
About Leicester Square
在1631到35年間 Leicester Square 北端有一棟名為Leicester House 的房子,1670s Leicester Square 便是以此為名。花園中央有Shakespeare 的雕像,立在大理石噴泉上方,1870年代由雕刻家從Westminster Abbey複製而來,花園四角有當地名人Hogarth, Reynolds (painters), hunter (doctor) and Sir Isaac Newton (scientist)的半身塑像,這裡有些許介紹〈
Webcam London, Leicester Square
☆ 看看吧,假日搞不好有活動 ☆
Leicester Square 能舉世聞名的原因,也許一次世界大戰時傳唱各地的這首歌'It's a long way to Tipperary'.功不可沒。
可以在這裡聽到'It's a long way to Tipperary'.
Up to mighty London came an Irishman one day,
As the streets were paved with gold, sure ev'ry one was gay,
Singing songs of Piccadilly, Strand and Leicester Square,
Till Paddy got excited, then he shouted to them there:
It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go,
It's a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye Piccadilly! Farewell Leicester Square!
It's a long, long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there!
Paddy wrote a letter to his Irish Molly O',
Saying "Should you not receive it, write and let me know!
If I make mistakes in spelling, Molly dear", said he,
"Remember it's the pen that's bad, don't lay the blame on me"
It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go,
It's a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye Piccadilly! Farewell Leicester Square!
It's a long, long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there!
Molly wrote a neat reply to Irish Paddy O',
Saying "Mike Maloney wants to marry me, and so,
Leave the Strand and Piccadilly, or you'll be to blame,
For love has fairly drove me silly - hoping you're the same!"
It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go,
It's a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye Piccadilly! Farewell Leicester Square!
It's a long, long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there!