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2003-02-26 16:24:52| 人氣32| 回應0 | 下一篇


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In front of the mirror
I see my face in it
It's clean but misty
I see my body in it
The size of it only likes ten-year-old girls
And stopped growing
I see my heart jumping with silence,
Wondering why time can never stop
So my heart can take some rest
I see my breath
Disappearing in the air and never come back
I see the darkness
Maybe far maybe near
But never really go away
I see the pollution of the world
People are dying, creatures are screaming
Crying then laughing
Now I take back everything I said
Because I'm just a little girl
And I'm the only one who can see the mirror

台長: 翔心
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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