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2012-01-08 23:57:13| 人氣91| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

James Blunt - If Time Is All I Have 如果時間是我的所有

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一首令人動容的歌 讓我每每聽了都快掉眼淚
但其實感動的並不是至死不渝的愛情 而是歌曲中這一份堅持又不求回報的心
在我們的生命中 總有那麼幾件事情是無論如何都想堅持 並且不計較結果與收穫
能夠真心的為一個人好 不管他是否明瞭 也不管他是否給予同樣回報 是非常不容易的
這讓我想起了哈利波特中的 史內普 是所有劇中讓我最為動容的角色
雖然總覺得 史內普這個人很深沉 當然也臆測到了他是個悲情且重要的關鍵人物
但卻沒想到他所背負的使命及承受的責任 都只是因為一份最單純且簡單的愛
無論我們所面對的是甚麼樣的人事物  給予一份單純且簡單的包容與關懷 

When you wake up
Turn the radio on
And you'll hear this simple song
That I made up
That I made up for you

When you're driving
Turn the radio up
Cause I can't sing loud enough
Hard these days
To get my message through

If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

When you marry
And you look around
I'll be somewhere in that crowd
Torn up, that it isn't me

When you're older
The memories fade
But I know I'll still feel the same
For as long as I live

But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you

Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

Won't you say my name, one time
Please just say my name
可否呼喚我的名  那怕只是這麼一次

But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

Won't you say my name
When the song is over
當這首歌曲結束的時候  妳是否會呼喊我的名字...

台長: a stranger
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