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2017-11-21 17:53:48| 人氣1,459| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ulay, Oh歌詞

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There she was like a picture. There she was, she was just the same. There she was; he just had to know that she had forgot his name. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Thinking back to the last time. On the wall as they turned away. Walking back; was it just a dream or did he hear her say? Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Trying his best to forget her. Trying his best to just keep his stride. Kept his word, but he knows he heard Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. There she was like a picture. There she was, she was just the same. There she was; he just had to know she had not forgot his name. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. There he was like his picture. There he was; he was just the same. There he was. He could never know she could never give his name. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Thinking back to the last time. On the wall as he turned away. Turning back, did he even know? Did he ever hear her say Ulay, Ulay, Oh? Trying her best to foget him. Trying her best just to keep her stride. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. Ulay, Ulay, Oh. There they were like the picture. There they were, they were just the same. There they were, but he walked away and her eyes could only say Ulay, Ulay, Oh.

台長: 瞳 一雙眼
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